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Contagion movie

Contagion movie
Kingsborough Community College/CUNY
Department of,Health, Physical Education and Recreation
Spring 2013
tlB 14: Critical Issues in Personal Healttr Instructor: Gloria Moore
Infectious Disease Extra Credit Paper II
To earn two hundred extra points write a two page to three page paper reviewing the
movie “Contagion”
In the movie “Contagion” a deadly infectious disease attacks the population of the U.S.
Keep the guiding questions in mind as you watch the movie and write your paper.
1) What was the mode of transmission that patient zero transported the disease?
2) What made patient zero’s husband different from all others that had contact with
the disease?
3) How did the beliefs of the CDC differ from that of the repo#er (Jude Lar{r}?
4) What did the CDC do to stop the spread of the disease?
Don’t forget to type and skple all papers as prescrikd in the syllabus. The assignment is
due May 27dn ,2013


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