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Topic: learning contract




Order Description



A learning contract is an agreement between a teacher and a learner, they normally concern issues of assessment that provide a way of ensuring that both the teacher and learner meet the requirements of a given assessment. It describes what should be covered and how, and outlines the outcomes to show that learning has occurred.

The contract will allow the student to develop and individualize his/her learning program by:

1) identifying his/her learning objectives

2) identifying resources for achieving the objectives

3) identifying a time line for achieving the objectives

4) providing evidence that the objectives have been met

5) stating how the evidence will be validated.

Attached below is an EXAMPLAR of learning objectives

Learning contract objectives.


The aim of this assessment is to develop your understanding of an area of practice interest. It will consolidate knowledge and understanding of a health professions roles and responsibilities when caring for people in the relevant clinical setting. Throughout your degree you have learnt about conditions and looked into some specialties, yet actually understanding an area of practice requires more than medical conditions.


Nursing is a profession that has vast diversity, such as rural and remote nursing, critical care, medical, surgical, age care, mental health paediatrics, maternity, community, palliative care, justice health, education in nursing, international health. To have a genuine understanding of the different areas a close investigation is required.


You are to identify an area of practice you are interested in (it may be beyond the list). Once identified, in collaboration with the lecturer you will decide what you will investigate; it could include emerging trends in the system, gaps in practice, gaps across the system, future development in practice, the underpinning theory of the chosen practice.


Outcome of this contract will include producing quality referenced academic work that can be submitted into the mooodle site. It should be the equivalant to 2500 words and is worth 40% of the unit total. Your submission will include the contract agreement made during the intensive as an appendix to your submission





Learning Objectives

The learning objectives are to develop an understanding of the specialty area of …………………… nursing within Australia to consolidate knowledge and understanding of:


• The role and responsibility of the ……………….. registered nurse

• The incidence and prevalence of …………… disease

• Review of the history of ……………….. nursing as a specialty

• The spread of …………….. services in Australia

• The funding and expenditure towards ………………….

• The future direction of …………………..

• The current and future research in ………………..


These learning objectives have derived from personal interest in the pathophysiology and treatment of the ……………….. as well as an interest in potentially pursuing a career in ………… medicine and …………………… nursing.


Resources for achieving the objectives

In order to obtain information on …………………..… nursing, the presence and incidence of …………… disease, spread of services, expenditure and funding, future direction, and current research within ………………….., a large amount of research is required to gather evidence-based resources to inform an understanding of the learning objectives.


Reliable research databases such as MEDLINE, CINAHL, Proquest, Informit, and Google Scholar will be used to gather evidence-based journals to inform learning. The ‘advanced search’ will be applied using full-text journals published in English with dates from 2009-2014 to ensure evidence is current and relevant to clinical practice. The key search terms of “………….”, “…………….. nursing”, “… ……………… disease”, “………..”, “metropolitan verses rural services”, “………..………. funding”, “future direction of ……..…………” and “current …………….. research” will be used to narrow the research and retrieve journal articles containing relevant information. These journals will be used in conjunction with government publications and nursing textbooks to gather scholarly evidence-based information to produce quality evidence and information on the learning objectives.


Time line for achieving the objectives

The time line available for completing and achieving the learning objectives is from the outline on the 10th of November 2014 and completing the paper by the 15th December 2014.


Evidence that the objectives have been met.

Evidence that the learning objectives have been met is provided in the form of a 2,500 word essay with evidence-based information discussed on the nurses’ role, the presence and incidence of ………… disease, spread of services, expenditure and funding, future direction, and current research within nephrology

How evidence will be validated.

This evidence will be validated by staff members from the University of New England, marking the essay provided against the marking criteria.




This is my out line for the first part (Learning Objectives) with some references



Aged care is one of the areas in nursing that is developing quickly and requires an especially qualified staff. Due to the huge growth of this age group, Australia will face many challenges in the next few decades. In aged care, patients should be looked after by an effective interdisciplinary care-team. Registered nurses are among the important staff in a residential aged facility required to determine a high standard of comprehensive care. This essay looks at the relevant learning objectives in order to understand and integrate the registered nursing roles in aged care.

Learning Objectives

Aged Care Registered Nurse Roles and Responsibilities

The aged care registered nurse has the following roles and responsibilities:

1. To provide comprehensive health care to age group according to Australian standards

2. To working together with other multidisciplinary team to obtain good care for the residents in the aged facility

3. To providing treatment, medication, and care-plans for aged care.

4. To counsel and educate the patients and their families

5. To assisting, observe and teach other nursing staff.

Incidence and Prevalence of Aged People

Previously, the percentage of the population over 65 years old increased from 10% to 14% and that of people above 85 from 0.8% to 2%.



History of Aged Care Nursing as a Specialty

Aged care in Australia started in 1909 for retired people, and then, from 1956, developed to home nursing. In 1986, the workwise increased and the name changed to ‘home nursing community care’. In 1997, the name ‘aged care’ was used in providing major care for communities.

Spread of Aged Care Services in Australia

The Australian government has developed many aged services in each state of the country. For example, New South Wales (NSW) had plenty of age care facilities as of June 2013.

Funding and Expenditure

By the end of the last year, government-funding costs were 15 billion AUD, and this is set to increase by about 2% to 7% in the future by 2050.

Future Direction of Aged Care

The aim for the aged care community is to obtain a safe and healthy environment in which to meet its future needs.

Current and Future Research

Most studies focus on increasing the quality of the care provided to this group. Some research also investigates how to minimize pricing and increase support to close the gap between the costs of and funding for aged care facilities.







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