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function of packaging

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Essay 2goes with Podcasts for Modules 5 – 8; answers should have good, thorough answers that cover the topics. Be sure to address key points to the questions asked;

deductions will apply to extraneous material or a statement that doesn’t apply.
?    Module 5 –Product, Branding and Packaging
?    Product Line and Product Mix– explain these with distinguishing between the two being key.
?    Use examples to explain how everything is related to brands. Include in this discussion an explanation of how marketing moved away from economics as a

?    Be ready for questions about trade characters, thematic slogans, brand equity
?    National Brands vs. Private brands – explain (with examples from at least two product domains discussed in the podcasts) how this battle is playing out.
?    Packaging – Discuss the function of packaging (short to moderate)
?    Module 6 – Developing New Products
?    Diffusion of Innovation
?    Innovators: discuss (including different strategic issues) with two examples moderate to heavy weighting
?    Early Adopters: discuss (including different strategic issues) with two examples moderate to heavy weighting
?    Early Majority: discuss with one example light to moderate weighting
?    Late Majority: explain who they are light weighting
?    Laggards: discuss (including the primary strategic recommendation) with one example light to moderate weighting
New Product Development: Discuss the Following:
?    Idea Generation-give various methods with examples (heavy weight)
?    Concept Testing (heavy weight)
?    Product Development (light weight)
?    Market Testing (moderate weight)
Stages of Product Life-Cycle
?    Introductory Stage: describe thoroughly and explain strategy alternatives (heavy weight)
?    Growth Stage: describe thoroughly (moderate weight)
?    Maturity stage: describe thoroughly (light to moderate weight)
?    Module 7 –Supply Chain Management – Explain how Supply Chain Management Works
?    Describe the process involved starting in China
?    Explain inventory control as a concept
?    Explain the concept of logistics
Channels of Distribution
?    Explain what a vertically integrated channel or hierarchical system is. Use a close example to explicate your answer.
?    Describe a market (contractual) distributional system
?    Describe an administered system with an example used in explication.
?    Explain the idea that channel systems compete with each other (including the discussion of trust, open communication, interdependence and conflict resolution)
?    Explain why bureaucratic systems are often inefficient
?    Module 8 –Retailing and Alternative Channels
How Manufacturers Pick a RetailerDemographic (two examples)
?    Explain the concept of Intensive Distribution with several product domain examples (light).
?    Explain the concept of selective distribution with a complete example (moderate to heavy).
?    Explain the concept of exclusive distribution with a complete example (moderate to heavy).
Different Types of Retailers
?    Food Retail types, short to moderate (but not missing key points) description of different types (traditional supermarket, supercenters/superstores, warehouse

clubs and convenience stores).
?    General Retailing moderate description (including key strategy issues) of different types with examples of each (category specialist/category killer, specialty

retailer, full line discount stores, department stores)
Internet Retailing
?    Explain in detail with examples the key advantages and disadvantages of internet retailing (e-tailing)  versus traditional bricks and mortar stores
Specific Issues Questions – Explain briefly:
?    Sony (Betamax) vs. Phillips (VCR)
?    AT&T Vs. Verizon
?    Electric Car (concept test of)
?    Errors (in new product development)
?    Walmart Supply Chain Operation
?    Contrast Push versus Pull
?    Explain why Kmart is getting crushed by Walmart
?    Describe Nike and the automobile system of distribution
?    Boston Whaler and exclusive distribution with assets tied to the relationships
?    Lowes strategy for home improvement


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