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The Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategy (2014-18)

The Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategy (2014-18)

Prepare a short report (3,000 words maximum minus refrences) that critically examines the scenario and responds to the individual case study questions. You will need to draw on your conceptual understanding from the course and use published peer-reviewed literature to support your response. Assessment criteria are provided below.
1. Case study: The poliomyelitis endgame
The Polio Eradication and Endgame Strategy (2014-18) includes the goal of achieving global eradication of wild-type poliomyelitis virus transmission by 2014. When a pathogen is eradicated, control measures including vaccination can cease, such as with smallpox eradication. Worldwide, the majority of national immunisation programs use oral polio vaccine (OPV), while most developed countries, such as Australia, only include inactivated polio virus (IPV) in their program. Some countries have commenced a combined IPV/OPV schedule. “After eradication of wild poliovirus, continued use of oral polio vaccine (OPV) would compromise the goal of a polio-free world.” Advisory Committee on Poliomyelitis Eradication (ACPE), Geneva, 21-22 September 2004
Outline why the move to using IPV is a necessary step in the global poliovirus eradication program.
Describe one challenge that is complicating the WHO polio eradication program. What strategies have the WHO planned or are currently undertaking to tackle that challenge? [You may focus on one country to answer this question, if preferred.]
Assessment criteria
This assessment task will be marked on the basis of the extent to which the following four criteria are addressed:
Unsatisfactory (<50%)
Examining the problem
Examination of problem is vague; does not summarise key issues
Summarises problem and key issues but some detail lacking
Logical, coherent and well supported summary of key issues.
Critical interpretation
Absence of own view point, does not demonstrate understanding of issues.
Demonstrates some understanding of issues, with limited expression of own view point.
Demonstrated high level understanding of issues in context, with own view point expressed
Use of evidence
Presents few to no resources. Range and quality poor.
Reviews and evaluates the case study with limited range of relevant, quality resources.
Reviews and evaluates the case study using appropriate literature from a range of quality and relevant sources
Structure and referencing
Issues obscure meaning of content or add confusion. Referencing incomplete.
Some issues with expression, structure and referencing.
Clarity of expression, logical structure, appropriate use referencing syst


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