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HRER 894 Research Paper

HRER 894 Research Paper

Paper details:

I will attach details through messages. Please complete each section of the checklist (data collection, alternative solutions, etc.) I have already kicked it off with the project proposal (see attached). Please be specific with the questions you ask employees of the organization of your choice.


HRER 894 Research Paper Checklist
Quality Criteria
I. Project Proposal
Standards Criteria/Notes Yes Partially No Comments
I.A. Have you identified a realistic research topic that has the potential to have a positive impact on the organization you have elected to examine?
I.B. Have you addressed the required project proposal elements in the following order?
I.B.1. Introduction Have you provided sufficient detail about the organization’s mission and structure to help the reader understand the institutional context in which the problem you will research exists?
I.B.2. Problem Definition Have you included data that illustrates in a detailed manner the nature of the problem? For example, don’t just write, “There is a major attendance problem in the company”. That statement should be followed by facts indicating such issues as what types of attendance problems occur (e.g., tardiness? Sick leave abuse?), in what parts of the organization they most often occur, and/or on which shifts/days do they occur?
I.B.3. Research Objectives and Data Collection Plan Based on the problem definition, have you identified the research objectives that will be necessary to resolve the problem?
Have you, based on each research objective, created a data collection plan. For example, if a research objective is to determine employee attitudes with respect to health insurance alternatives, how will you collect such data? Surveys? Focus group meetings? Internal documents?
Note: Research will always include a literature review of scholarly articles. For this you will use the PSU online library (Proquest, multiple database).
I.B.4. Project Significance Have you discussed why you believe the research is important to your organization?
Have you discussed your proposed measures of success, short-term and long-term, for your research project?
Have you discussed who you will be presenting your research and proposed solution to in the organization for implementation consideration (i.e., decision makers)?
How will this topic leverage your area of concentration and/or the HRER curriculum?
Does your Executive Mentor support your research topic and is engaged in helping you complete this project?
I.C. Have you demonstrated that you understand the Action Research Approach and discussed how you intend to incorporate it into your research project?
I.D Have you written the document using clear and concise language free from grammar, syntax, spelling and punctuation errors?
I.E. Have you documented your materials consistent with the APA Style Guide?

II. Data Collection
Standards Criteria/Notes Yes Partially No Comments
II.A. Have you discussed your data collection plan including the specific techniques (e.g., surveys, interviews, content analysis) you will be using and your rationale for using the selected methods? Note: Identify whether you are using organizational specific data (i.e., internal documents)?
Note: Explain which data are quantitative and/or qualitative?
II.B. Have you conducted a literature review on your research topic?
II.C. Is your data collection and analysis consistent with the size and extent of the business challenge you are examining? Does the date you’ve collected uncover the true nature of the business challenges you are researching?
II.D. Have you incorporated visual tools (e.g., tables, charts, graphs, flow charts and conceptual model) to capture and highlight key data where appropriate?
II.E. Does your data collection section serve the purpose of informing you relative to the formulation of alternative potential solutions and a recommended solution?
III. Alternative Solutions and Analysis
Standards Criteria/Notes Yes Partially No Comments
III.A. Have you presented a recommended minimum of three potential alternative solutions to addressing the business challenge you are examining?
III.B. Have you provided sufficient detail concerning the important elements of each alternative?
III.C. Have you quantified the associated benefits and costs of your recommended solution? Note: In a paper of this sort it might be necessary to estimate some of these quantifiable costs and benefits.
III.D. Have you used appropriate financial analysis techniques (e.g., cost/benefit or R.O.I. analysis) to compare and contrast the alternative solutions? Note: Explain the methodology of the tool you used?
III.E. Does your benefits/cost analysis align with your stated research objectives?
III.F. Have you discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each of the alternative solutions beyond quantifiable costs/benefits?
III.G. Have you presented in a summary table of the advantages and disadvantages (including quantifiable costs/benefits) of the alternative solutions? Note: This should be the very last element of this section of the paper.
IV. Recommended Solution
Standards Criteria/Notes Yes Partially No Comments
IV.A. Have you developed and incorporated a decision matrix, an assessment tool that facilitates your decision-making regarding proposing a recommended solution to the business challenge you are examining? Note: When using the decision matrix included with the course materials, you should have created the criteria and weights BEFORE you identify the alternative solutions. .
IV.B. Have you discussed how you came up with the evaluation criteria and weighted factors used in the decision matrix? Note: In other words, why is each criterion important?
IV.C. Have you discussed how you validated the evaluation criteria and weighted factors used in the decision matrix? Note: For example, did you discuss these issues with your mentor? Others within the management team?
V. Implementation Plan
Standards Criteria/Notes Yes Partially No Comments
V.A. Have you demonstrated that you have given consideration to issues and barriers relative to implementing your proposed recommendation (e.g., potential roadblocks)?
V.B. Have you discussed potential risks to plan implementation, and developed a risk mitigation plan?
V.C. Have you presented a high-level milestone schedule for plan implementation?
VI. Conclusion
Standards Criteria/Notes Yes Partially No Comments
VI. Have you written a concise (i.e. 1 – 2 pp.) conclusion? Note: This section should focus on your assessment of the outcomes that emerged as a consequence of the project.
VII. References
Standards Criteria/Notes Yes Partially No Comments
VII. Have you provided a reference section? Note: All references cited should be used in your research paper.
VIII. Executive Summary
Standards Criteria/Notes Yes Partially No Comments
VIII. Have you written a concise (i.e. 1 – 2 pp.) executive summary that can serve as a stand-alone document?
Note: The executive summary will appear immediately after the Table of Contents.
Note: The executive summary will be the last part of the paper you will write.
IX. Table of Contents
Standards Criteria/Notes Yes Partially No Comments
IX. Have you presented a well-organized table of contents?

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