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DNP Portfolio

DNP Portfolio

Order Description

The portfolio is a collection of scholarly work (exemplars) and related documentation that depicts the student’s development of knowledge and competency in a specialty area and achievement of the DNP Essentials.
The purpose of the portfolio is to provide reviewers with a unique collection of student-maintained materials that demonstrates doctoral growth, learning, and development across the DNP plan of study. The portfolio provides the student with an opportunity to highlight academic accomplishments and may be maintained to document successful transition to the role of the DNP-prepared graduate.

Portfolio Guidelines
The portfolio is a collection of scholarly work (exemplars) and related documentation that depicts the student’s development of knowledge and competency in a specialty area and achievement of the DNP Essentials.
The purpose of the portfolio is to provide reviewers with a unique collection of student-maintained materials that demonstrates doctoral growth, learning, and development across the DNP plan of study. The portfolio provides the student with an opportunity to highlight academic accomplishments and may be maintained to document successful transition to the role of the DNP-prepared graduate.
Through this assignment, the DNP student will demonstrate achievement of DNP program outcomes:
1.    Apply biophysical, psychosocial, sociopolitical and cultural principles to integrative healthcare economics, nursing science and ethics in evidence-based advanced nursing practice to improve the nation’s health through clinical prevention and population-focused healthcare(DNP Essentials VII, VIII).
2.    Assume a leadership role as a DNP in application, formation and reformation of health policy and advocacy in healthcare at micro and macro levels (DNP Essential V).
3.    Synthesize scientific methods and underpinnings to develop best practices and shape informed healthcare decisions and systems of care for patient/family and populations to improve health outcomes(DNP Essentials I, III).
4.    Base advanced nursing practice on relationship-based practice and care delivery models that embrace political, ethical, professional, economic, socially just and culturally appropriate services in a variety of healthcare delivery settings (DNP Essential VIII).
5.    Integrate scientific-based theories and concepts that facilitate best practices in the nature and significance of health and healthcare delivery phenomena with strategies to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes, appreciating theory-based healthcare for evidence-based practice (DNP Essentials I, III).
6.    Distinguish organizational and transformational leadership that fosters and promotes patient safety, integration of healthcare technology and informatics to improve patient safety and health outcomes for quality improvement and systems thinking that improve and transform healthcare (DNP Essentials II, IV).
7.    Assimilate concepts of healthcare technology and informatics to make data-driven decisions that inform advanced nursing practice and patient care systems that are nurse-sensitive and patient/family- and population-focused (DNP Essential IV).
8.    Exercise interprofessional collaboration as a clinical role model for collegiality and professionalism in healthcare delivery settings to facilitate optimal care and patient outcomes that improve patient/family and population health outcomes (DNP Essential VI).
9.    Analyze conceptual and analytical skills in evaluating links among practice, organization, population, fiscal and policy issues as a basis for transformational change in healthcare delivery systems(DNP Essential V).
Submit your Portfolio as a zipped file into the Dropbox tab by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT of Week 2 Please name the file as your last name portfolio.zip, such as FlorencePortfolio.zip.
This assignment is worth a possible total of 100 points.
Each section should be in a separate file or folder and should be submitted as a zip file. Name each file or folder with your last name and what the file or folder contains (e.g., FlorenceCV.docx, Florence Self-Assessment). Ensure that each file and folder name identifies your name and contents of the file or folder. The components to be included in your portfolio include the following.
1.    Curriculum Vitae (file)
a.    Include a professional CV including the following categories:
•    Name and contact information
•    Education in reverse chronological order. List all educational institutions attended with dates, degrees earned, and majors. Include your DNP with the anticipated graduate date.
•    Employment history in reverse chronological order. List name of employer, position held, dates of employment, and a brief summary of job responsibilities.
•    Professional licensures and certifications. Do NOT list license numbers.
•    Scholarly work. List publications, professional presentations, and research.
•    Awards. List citations from employers, community groups, and professional associations.
•    Grants. List any grants awarded, dates, awarding agency, title of grant, and amount of grant.
•    Professional memberships. List memberships in any professional organization and offices held.
•    Volunteer activities.
Note: The Career Center is available to assist with polishing the CV.
3.    Self-Assessment (folder)
a.      Include each of your end-of-course “You Decide Reflections”.  The purpose of including the reflections in your portfolio is to demonstrate how you have achieved the DNP Essentials, as well as the activities and learning in the courses that contributed to the attainment of the program outcomes.
b.    Include a separate reflection (maximum 2 pages) on your achievement of the DNP Essentials. Give specific examples of how you have demonstrated each essential. The DNP Essentials document describing the 8 Essentials can be retrieved at http://www.aacn.nche.edu/publications/position/DNPEssentials.pdf

4.    DNP Plan of Study (folder)
a.    Include your DNP plan of study (available from the CCN website http://www.chamberlain.edu/docs/default-source/curriculum-grids/dnp-curriculum-grid.pdf?sfvrsn=16)
b.       Include your final eLogs report, showing your final total of practicum hours.Select  #14 on your student menu and check ‘PDF report’.
c.    Include at least two work products (e.g., papers) that you are particularly proud of. Please correct all editing suggestions and remove all Track Changes marks.
d.    Include a description of 2-3 specific individuals with whom you developed a professional/mentoring relationship and who helped guide you during the course of the DNP program.  These individuals may include your preceptor, faculty advisor, and/or course faculty member with whom you developed a partnership and who assisted you in finding the right direction in your course work, practicum experience, and scholarly project.

5.    DNP Project Summary (file)
a.    Provide a summary (maximum 2 pages) of your scholarly project.  Include the following subtitles:  purpose, PICOT/scholarly question, project description, project evaluation, implications to nursing and/or healthcare, and potential dissemination.

6.    Career Goals (file)
a.    Provide a summary(maximum 2 pages) of your career goals upon completion of your DNP education. Identify your long-term career goal and the steps you will take to achieve this goal. Identify any weaknesses or knowledge deficits that will impair your progress toward your goals and how you will address the weaknesses or knowledge deficits.

Criteria Expectations    Exceeds Expectations    Meets Expectations    Nearly Meets Expectations    Does Not Meet Expectations
Portfolio organization and structure
5 points    All files and folders are appropriately named and submitted as an appropriated named zipped folder.

5 points            All files and folders are not appropriately named and/or not submitted as an appropriated named zipped folder.

0 points

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
20 points    The student’s CV is complete and organized with education, work history, and accomplishments clearly and succinctly presented. The CV has a professional appearance.
19-20 points    The student’s CV is complete and organized at a basic level with education, work history included. Information is slightly inconsistent in presentation in that some is succinct and other information is a bit excessive and this detracts slightly from the overall professional appearance.
17-18 points    The student’s CV has minor gaps or misspellings.CV contains information about education, work history although the presentation of the information is disorganized. Overall the CV lacks professional appearance.
15-16 points    The student’s CV is not provided OR the student’s CV has substantial unexplained gaps and misspellings. The content of the CV is disorganized, and incomplete. The CV does not have a professional appearance.
0-14 points
20 points    The student includes every end of course “You Decide Reflections”.
The student provides anexemplary reflection on their achievement of the DNP Essentials identifying how they demonstrated each essential. Examples are used to validate the achievement of each essential.
15 points    The student includes more than half of end of course “You Decide Reflections”.
The student provides a reflection on their achievement of the DNP Essentials identifying how they demonstrated each essential. Examples are used to validate the achievement of most essential.
13-14 points    The student includes approximately half of end of course “You Decide Reflections”.
The student provides a superficial reflection on their achievement of the DNP Essentials identifying how they demonstrated each essential. Few examples are used to validate the achievement of the essential.
11-12 points    The student includes fewer than half of end of course “You Decide Reflections”.
The student provides a no reflection on their achievement of the DNP Essentials identifying how they demonstrated each essential. No examples are used to validate the achievement of the essential.
0-10 points
DNP Plan of Study
15 points    The student includes the DNP plan of study, the final eLogs report, at least two work products from their DNP assignments, and a description of key individuals who have contributed to the student’s success in the DNP program.
15 points    The student fails to include one of the following: the DNP plan of study, the final eLogs report, at least two work products from their DNP assignments, and a description of key individuals who have contributed to the student’s success in the DNP program.
13-14 points    The student fails to include two of the following: the DNP plan of study, the final eLogs report, at least two work products from their DNP assignments, and a description of key individuals who have contributed to the student’s success in the DNP program.
13-14 points    The student fails to include three or more of the following: the DNP plan of study, the final eLogs report, at least two work products from their DNP assignments, and a description of key individuals who have contributed to the student’s success in the DNP program.
0-10 points
DNP Project Abstract
15 points    Student provides an abstract of their scholarly project.  The abstract includes the following subtitles:  purpose, PICOT/scholarly question, project description, project evaluation, implications to nursing and/or healthcare, and potential dissemination.
10 points    Student provides an abstract of their scholarly project but fails to include one of the following subtitles: purpose, PICOT/scholarly question, project description, project evaluation, implications to nursing and/or healthcare, and potential dissemination.
9 points    Student provides an abstract of their scholarly project but fails to include two of the following subtitles: purpose, PICOT/scholarly question, project description, project evaluation, implications to nursing and/or healthcare, and potential dissemination.
8 points    Student provides an abstract of their scholarly project but fails to include more than two of the following subtitles: purpose, PICOT/scholarly question, project description, project evaluation, implications to nursing and/or healthcare, and potential dissemination.
0-7 points
Career Goals
20 points    The student provides a summary of their career goals upon completion of their DNP education.  A long-term career goal is included along with steps to be taken to achieve this goal. Weakness or knowledge deficits and plans for professional development to address the weaknesses or knowledge deficits is included.
15 points    The student provides a summary of their career goals upon completion of their DNP education.  A long-term career goal is included but the plans for achievement of this goal are brief. Weakness or knowledge deficits are identified but plans for professional development to address the weaknesses or knowledge deficit is brief.
13-14 points    The student provides a summary of their career goals upon completion of their DNP education.  A long-term career goal is included but the plans for achievement of this goal are weak and/or unrealistic. Weakness or knowledge deficits are identified but plans for professional development to address the weaknesses or knowledge deficit is weak and/or unrealistic.
11-12 points    The student does not provide a summary of their career goals upon completion of their DNP education OR does not provide a long-term career goal is included along with steps to be taken to achieve this goal OR does not identify weakness or knowledge deficits OR does not provide plans for professional development to address the weaknesses or knowledge deficits.
0-10 points
Professionalism and Creativity
5 points    There are no errors in spelling, word usage, or punctuation. The font size and/or style are appropriate. There is a good use of color and contrast throughout. Visuals are be used to support and enhance the written information when appropriate.
5 points    There are minimal errors in spelling, word usage, or punctuation which do not impact readability. The font size and/or style are appropriate. There is a good use of color and contrast. Visuals are be used to support and enhance the written information when appropriate.
4 points    There are several minor spelling/ punctuation errors, which do not impact readability. The font size and/or style are inconsistent throughout the portfolio. Color contrasts are used inconsistently and detract from continuity. Visuals are sometimes not professional in appearance.
3 points    There are multiple spelling and punctuation errors which impact readability. The font size and/or style are inconsistent and impair readability. Color contrasts appear random and detract from the portfolio continuity and professional appearance. Visuals are used are not professional in appearance.
0 points
Total Points =   100  points

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DNP Portfolio

DNP Portfolio

Order Description

The portfolio is a collection of scholarly work (exemplars) and related documentation that depicts the student’s development of knowledge and competency in a specialty area and achievement of the DNP Essentials.
The purpose of the portfolio is to provide reviewers with a unique collection of student-maintained materials that demonstrates doctoral growth, learning, and development across the DNP plan of study. The portfolio provides the student with an opportunity to highlight academic accomplishments and may be maintained to document successful transition to the role of the DNP-prepared graduate.

Portfolio Guidelines
The portfolio is a collection of scholarly work (exemplars) and related documentation that depicts the student’s development of knowledge and competency in a specialty area and achievement of the DNP Essentials.
The purpose of the portfolio is to provide reviewers with a unique collection of student-maintained materials that demonstrates doctoral growth, learning, and development across the DNP plan of study. The portfolio provides the student with an opportunity to highlight academic accomplishments and may be maintained to document successful transition to the role of the DNP-prepared graduate.
Through this assignment, the DNP student will demonstrate achievement of DNP program outcomes:
1.    Apply biophysical, psychosocial, sociopolitical and cultural principles to integrative healthcare economics, nursing science and ethics in evidence-based advanced nursing practice to improve the nation’s health through clinical prevention and population-focused healthcare(DNP Essentials VII, VIII).
2.    Assume a leadership role as a DNP in application, formation and reformation of health policy and advocacy in healthcare at micro and macro levels (DNP Essential V).
3.    Synthesize scientific methods and underpinnings to develop best practices and shape informed healthcare decisions and systems of care for patient/family and populations to improve health outcomes(DNP Essentials I, III).
4.    Base advanced nursing practice on relationship-based practice and care delivery models that embrace political, ethical, professional, economic, socially just and culturally appropriate services in a variety of healthcare delivery settings (DNP Essential VIII).
5.    Integrate scientific-based theories and concepts that facilitate best practices in the nature and significance of health and healthcare delivery phenomena with strategies to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes, appreciating theory-based healthcare for evidence-based practice (DNP Essentials I, III).
6.    Distinguish organizational and transformational leadership that fosters and promotes patient safety, integration of healthcare technology and informatics to improve patient safety and health outcomes for quality improvement and systems thinking that improve and transform healthcare (DNP Essentials II, IV).
7.    Assimilate concepts of healthcare technology and informatics to make data-driven decisions that inform advanced nursing practice and patient care systems that are nurse-sensitive and patient/family- and population-focused (DNP Essential IV).
8.    Exercise interprofessional collaboration as a clinical role model for collegiality and professionalism in healthcare delivery settings to facilitate optimal care and patient outcomes that improve patient/family and population health outcomes (DNP Essential VI).
9.    Analyze conceptual and analytical skills in evaluating links among practice, organization, population, fiscal and policy issues as a basis for transformational change in healthcare delivery systems(DNP Essential V).
Submit your Portfolio as a zipped file into the Dropbox tab by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT of Week 2 Please name the file as your last name portfolio.zip, such as FlorencePortfolio.zip.
This assignment is worth a possible total of 100 points.
Each section should be in a separate file or folder and should be submitted as a zip file. Name each file or folder with your last name and what the file or folder contains (e.g., FlorenceCV.docx, Florence Self-Assessment). Ensure that each file and folder name identifies your name and contents of the file or folder. The components to be included in your portfolio include the following.
1.    Curriculum Vitae (file)
a.    Include a professional CV including the following categories:
•    Name and contact information
•    Education in reverse chronological order. List all educational institutions attended with dates, degrees earned, and majors. Include your DNP with the anticipated graduate date.
•    Employment history in reverse chronological order. List name of employer, position held, dates of employment, and a brief summary of job responsibilities.
•    Professional licensures and certifications. Do NOT list license numbers.
•    Scholarly work. List publications, professional presentations, and research.
•    Awards. List citations from employers, community groups, and professional associations.
•    Grants. List any grants awarded, dates, awarding agency, title of grant, and amount of grant.
•    Professional memberships. List memberships in any professional organization and offices held.
•    Volunteer activities.
Note: The Career Center is available to assist with polishing the CV.
3.    Self-Assessment (folder)
a.      Include each of your end-of-course “You Decide Reflections”.  The purpose of including the reflections in your portfolio is to demonstrate how you have achieved the DNP Essentials, as well as the activities and learning in the courses that contributed to the attainment of the program outcomes.
b.    Include a separate reflection (maximum 2 pages) on your achievement of the DNP Essentials. Give specific examples of how you have demonstrated each essential. The DNP Essentials document describing the 8 Essentials can be retrieved at http://www.aacn.nche.edu/publications/position/DNPEssentials.pdf

4.    DNP Plan of Study (folder)
a.    Include your DNP plan of study (available from the CCN website http://www.chamberlain.edu/docs/default-source/curriculum-grids/dnp-curriculum-grid.pdf?sfvrsn=16)
b.       Include your final eLogs report, showing your final total of practicum hours.Select  #14 on your student menu and check ‘PDF report’.
c.    Include at least two work products (e.g., papers) that you are particularly proud of. Please correct all editing suggestions and remove all Track Changes marks.
d.    Include a description of 2-3 specific individuals with whom you developed a professional/mentoring relationship and who helped guide you during the course of the DNP program.  These individuals may include your preceptor, faculty advisor, and/or course faculty member with whom you developed a partnership and who assisted you in finding the right direction in your course work, practicum experience, and scholarly project.

5.    DNP Project Summary (file)
a.    Provide a summary (maximum 2 pages) of your scholarly project.  Include the following subtitles:  purpose, PICOT/scholarly question, project description, project evaluation, implications to nursing and/or healthcare, and potential dissemination.

6.    Career Goals (file)
a.    Provide a summary(maximum 2 pages) of your career goals upon completion of your DNP education. Identify your long-term career goal and the steps you will take to achieve this goal. Identify any weaknesses or knowledge deficits that will impair your progress toward your goals and how you will address the weaknesses or knowledge deficits.

Criteria Expectations    Exceeds Expectations    Meets Expectations    Nearly Meets Expectations    Does Not Meet Expectations
Portfolio organization and structure
5 points    All files and folders are appropriately named and submitted as an appropriated named zipped folder.

5 points            All files and folders are not appropriately named and/or not submitted as an appropriated named zipped folder.

0 points

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
20 points    The student’s CV is complete and organized with education, work history, and accomplishments clearly and succinctly presented. The CV has a professional appearance.
19-20 points    The student’s CV is complete and organized at a basic level with education, work history included. Information is slightly inconsistent in presentation in that some is succinct and other information is a bit excessive and this detracts slightly from the overall professional appearance.
17-18 points    The student’s CV has minor gaps or misspellings.CV contains information about education, work history although the presentation of the information is disorganized. Overall the CV lacks professional appearance.
15-16 points    The student’s CV is not provided OR the student’s CV has substantial unexplained gaps and misspellings. The content of the CV is disorganized, and incomplete. The CV does not have a professional appearance.
0-14 points
20 points    The student includes every end of course “You Decide Reflections”.
The student provides anexemplary reflection on their achievement of the DNP Essentials identifying how they demonstrated each essential. Examples are used to validate the achievement of each essential.
15 points    The student includes more than half of end of course “You Decide Reflections”.
The student provides a reflection on their achievement of the DNP Essentials identifying how they demonstrated each essential. Examples are used to validate the achievement of most essential.
13-14 points    The student includes approximately half of end of course “You Decide Reflections”.
The student provides a superficial reflection on their achievement of the DNP Essentials identifying how they demonstrated each essential. Few examples are used to validate the achievement of the essential.
11-12 points    The student includes fewer than half of end of course “You Decide Reflections”.
The student provides a no reflection on their achievement of the DNP Essentials identifying how they demonstrated each essential. No examples are used to validate the achievement of the essential.
0-10 points
DNP Plan of Study
15 points    The student includes the DNP plan of study, the final eLogs report, at least two work products from their DNP assignments, and a description of key individuals who have contributed to the student’s success in the DNP program.
15 points    The student fails to include one of the following: the DNP plan of study, the final eLogs report, at least two work products from their DNP assignments, and a description of key individuals who have contributed to the student’s success in the DNP program.
13-14 points    The student fails to include two of the following: the DNP plan of study, the final eLogs report, at least two work products from their DNP assignments, and a description of key individuals who have contributed to the student’s success in the DNP program.
13-14 points    The student fails to include three or more of the following: the DNP plan of study, the final eLogs report, at least two work products from their DNP assignments, and a description of key individuals who have contributed to the student’s success in the DNP program.
0-10 points
DNP Project Abstract
15 points    Student provides an abstract of their scholarly project.  The abstract includes the following subtitles:  purpose, PICOT/scholarly question, project description, project evaluation, implications to nursing and/or healthcare, and potential dissemination.
10 points    Student provides an abstract of their scholarly project but fails to include one of the following subtitles: purpose, PICOT/scholarly question, project description, project evaluation, implications to nursing and/or healthcare, and potential dissemination.
9 points    Student provides an abstract of their scholarly project but fails to include two of the following subtitles: purpose, PICOT/scholarly question, project description, project evaluation, implications to nursing and/or healthcare, and potential dissemination.
8 points    Student provides an abstract of their scholarly project but fails to include more than two of the following subtitles: purpose, PICOT/scholarly question, project description, project evaluation, implications to nursing and/or healthcare, and potential dissemination.
0-7 points
Career Goals
20 points    The student provides a summary of their career goals upon completion of their DNP education.  A long-term career goal is included along with steps to be taken to achieve this goal. Weakness or knowledge deficits and plans for professional development to address the weaknesses or knowledge deficits is included.
15 points    The student provides a summary of their career goals upon completion of their DNP education.  A long-term career goal is included but the plans for achievement of this goal are brief. Weakness or knowledge deficits are identified but plans for professional development to address the weaknesses or knowledge deficit is brief.
13-14 points    The student provides a summary of their career goals upon completion of their DNP education.  A long-term career goal is included but the plans for achievement of this goal are weak and/or unrealistic. Weakness or knowledge deficits are identified but plans for professional development to address the weaknesses or knowledge deficit is weak and/or unrealistic.
11-12 points    The student does not provide a summary of their career goals upon completion of their DNP education OR does not provide a long-term career goal is included along with steps to be taken to achieve this goal OR does not identify weakness or knowledge deficits OR does not provide plans for professional development to address the weaknesses or knowledge deficits.
0-10 points
Professionalism and Creativity
5 points    There are no errors in spelling, word usage, or punctuation. The font size and/or style are appropriate. There is a good use of color and contrast throughout. Visuals are be used to support and enhance the written information when appropriate.
5 points    There are minimal errors in spelling, word usage, or punctuation which do not impact readability. The font size and/or style are appropriate. There is a good use of color and contrast. Visuals are be used to support and enhance the written information when appropriate.
4 points    There are several minor spelling/ punctuation errors, which do not impact readability. The font size and/or style are inconsistent throughout the portfolio. Color contrasts are used inconsistently and detract from continuity. Visuals are sometimes not professional in appearance.
3 points    There are multiple spelling and punctuation errors which impact readability. The font size and/or style are inconsistent and impair readability. Color contrasts appear random and detract from the portfolio continuity and professional appearance. Visuals are used are not professional in appearance.
0 points
Total Points =   100  points

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

DNP Portfolio

DNP Portfolio

Order Description

The portfolio is a collection of scholarly work (exemplars) and related documentation that depicts the student’s development of knowledge and competency in a specialty area and achievement of the DNP Essentials.
The purpose of the portfolio is to provide reviewers with a unique collection of student-maintained materials that demonstrates doctoral growth, learning, and development across the DNP plan of study. The portfolio provides the student with an opportunity to highlight academic accomplishments and may be maintained to document successful transition to the role of the DNP-prepared graduate.

Portfolio Guidelines
The portfolio is a collection of scholarly work (exemplars) and related documentation that depicts the student’s development of knowledge and competency in a specialty area and achievement of the DNP Essentials.
The purpose of the portfolio is to provide reviewers with a unique collection of student-maintained materials that demonstrates doctoral growth, learning, and development across the DNP plan of study. The portfolio provides the student with an opportunity to highlight academic accomplishments and may be maintained to document successful transition to the role of the DNP-prepared graduate.
Through this assignment, the DNP student will demonstrate achievement of DNP program outcomes:
1.    Apply biophysical, psychosocial, sociopolitical and cultural principles to integrative healthcare economics, nursing science and ethics in evidence-based advanced nursing practice to improve the nation’s health through clinical prevention and population-focused healthcare(DNP Essentials VII, VIII).
2.    Assume a leadership role as a DNP in application, formation and reformation of health policy and advocacy in healthcare at micro and macro levels (DNP Essential V).
3.    Synthesize scientific methods and underpinnings to develop best practices and shape informed healthcare decisions and systems of care for patient/family and populations to improve health outcomes(DNP Essentials I, III).
4.    Base advanced nursing practice on relationship-based practice and care delivery models that embrace political, ethical, professional, economic, socially just and culturally appropriate services in a variety of healthcare delivery settings (DNP Essential VIII).
5.    Integrate scientific-based theories and concepts that facilitate best practices in the nature and significance of health and healthcare delivery phenomena with strategies to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes, appreciating theory-based healthcare for evidence-based practice (DNP Essentials I, III).
6.    Distinguish organizational and transformational leadership that fosters and promotes patient safety, integration of healthcare technology and informatics to improve patient safety and health outcomes for quality improvement and systems thinking that improve and transform healthcare (DNP Essentials II, IV).
7.    Assimilate concepts of healthcare technology and informatics to make data-driven decisions that inform advanced nursing practice and patient care systems that are nurse-sensitive and patient/family- and population-focused (DNP Essential IV).
8.    Exercise interprofessional collaboration as a clinical role model for collegiality and professionalism in healthcare delivery settings to facilitate optimal care and patient outcomes that improve patient/family and population health outcomes (DNP Essential VI).
9.    Analyze conceptual and analytical skills in evaluating links among practice, organization, population, fiscal and policy issues as a basis for transformational change in healthcare delivery systems(DNP Essential V).
Submit your Portfolio as a zipped file into the Dropbox tab by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT of Week 2 Please name the file as your last name portfolio.zip, such as FlorencePortfolio.zip.
This assignment is worth a possible total of 100 points.
Each section should be in a separate file or folder and should be submitted as a zip file. Name each file or folder with your last name and what the file or folder contains (e.g., FlorenceCV.docx, Florence Self-Assessment). Ensure that each file and folder name identifies your name and contents of the file or folder. The components to be included in your portfolio include the following.
1.    Curriculum Vitae (file)
a.    Include a professional CV including the following categories:
•    Name and contact information
•    Education in reverse chronological order. List all educational institutions attended with dates, degrees earned, and majors. Include your DNP with the anticipated graduate date.
•    Employment history in reverse chronological order. List name of employer, position held, dates of employment, and a brief summary of job responsibilities.
•    Professional licensures and certifications. Do NOT list license numbers.
•    Scholarly work. List publications, professional presentations, and research.
•    Awards. List citations from employers, community groups, and professional associations.
•    Grants. List any grants awarded, dates, awarding agency, title of grant, and amount of grant.
•    Professional memberships. List memberships in any professional organization and offices held.
•    Volunteer activities.
Note: The Career Center is available to assist with polishing the CV.
3.    Self-Assessment (folder)
a.      Include each of your end-of-course “You Decide Reflections”.  The purpose of including the reflections in your portfolio is to demonstrate how you have achieved the DNP Essentials, as well as the activities and learning in the courses that contributed to the attainment of the program outcomes.
b.    Include a separate reflection (maximum 2 pages) on your achievement of the DNP Essentials. Give specific examples of how you have demonstrated each essential. The DNP Essentials document describing the 8 Essentials can be retrieved at http://www.aacn.nche.edu/publications/position/DNPEssentials.pdf

4.    DNP Plan of Study (folder)
a.    Include your DNP plan of study (available from the CCN website http://www.chamberlain.edu/docs/default-source/curriculum-grids/dnp-curriculum-grid.pdf?sfvrsn=16)
b.       Include your final eLogs report, showing your final total of practicum hours.Select  #14 on your student menu and check ‘PDF report’.
c.    Include at least two work products (e.g., papers) that you are particularly proud of. Please correct all editing suggestions and remove all Track Changes marks.
d.    Include a description of 2-3 specific individuals with whom you developed a professional/mentoring relationship and who helped guide you during the course of the DNP program.  These individuals may include your preceptor, faculty advisor, and/or course faculty member with whom you developed a partnership and who assisted you in finding the right direction in your course work, practicum experience, and scholarly project.

5.    DNP Project Summary (file)
a.    Provide a summary (maximum 2 pages) of your scholarly project.  Include the following subtitles:  purpose, PICOT/scholarly question, project description, project evaluation, implications to nursing and/or healthcare, and potential dissemination.

6.    Career Goals (file)
a.    Provide a summary(maximum 2 pages) of your career goals upon completion of your DNP education. Identify your long-term career goal and the steps you will take to achieve this goal. Identify any weaknesses or knowledge deficits that will impair your progress toward your goals and how you will address the weaknesses or knowledge deficits.

Criteria Expectations    Exceeds Expectations    Meets Expectations    Nearly Meets Expectations    Does Not Meet Expectations
Portfolio organization and structure
5 points    All files and folders are appropriately named and submitted as an appropriated named zipped folder.

5 points            All files and folders are not appropriately named and/or not submitted as an appropriated named zipped folder.

0 points

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
20 points    The student’s CV is complete and organized with education, work history, and accomplishments clearly and succinctly presented. The CV has a professional appearance.
19-20 points    The student’s CV is complete and organized at a basic level with education, work history included. Information is slightly inconsistent in presentation in that some is succinct and other information is a bit excessive and this detracts slightly from the overall professional appearance.
17-18 points    The student’s CV has minor gaps or misspellings.CV contains information about education, work history although the presentation of the information is disorganized. Overall the CV lacks professional appearance.
15-16 points    The student’s CV is not provided OR the student’s CV has substantial unexplained gaps and misspellings. The content of the CV is disorganized, and incomplete. The CV does not have a professional appearance.
0-14 points
20 points    The student includes every end of course “You Decide Reflections”.
The student provides anexemplary reflection on their achievement of the DNP Essentials identifying how they demonstrated each essential. Examples are used to validate the achievement of each essential.
15 points    The student includes more than half of end of course “You Decide Reflections”.
The student provides a reflection on their achievement of the DNP Essentials identifying how they demonstrated each essential. Examples are used to validate the achievement of most essential.
13-14 points    The student includes approximately half of end of course “You Decide Reflections”.
The student provides a superficial reflection on their achievement of the DNP Essentials identifying how they demonstrated each essential. Few examples are used to validate the achievement of the essential.
11-12 points    The student includes fewer than half of end of course “You Decide Reflections”.
The student provides a no reflection on their achievement of the DNP Essentials identifying how they demonstrated each essential. No examples are used to validate the achievement of the essential.
0-10 points
DNP Plan of Study
15 points    The student includes the DNP plan of study, the final eLogs report, at least two work products from their DNP assignments, and a description of key individuals who have contributed to the student’s success in the DNP program.
15 points    The student fails to include one of the following: the DNP plan of study, the final eLogs report, at least two work products from their DNP assignments, and a description of key individuals who have contributed to the student’s success in the DNP program.
13-14 points    The student fails to include two of the following: the DNP plan of study, the final eLogs report, at least two work products from their DNP assignments, and a description of key individuals who have contributed to the student’s success in the DNP program.
13-14 points    The student fails to include three or more of the following: the DNP plan of study, the final eLogs report, at least two work products from their DNP assignments, and a description of key individuals who have contributed to the student’s success in the DNP program.
0-10 points
DNP Project Abstract
15 points    Student provides an abstract of their scholarly project.  The abstract includes the following subtitles:  purpose, PICOT/scholarly question, project description, project evaluation, implications to nursing and/or healthcare, and potential dissemination.
10 points    Student provides an abstract of their scholarly project but fails to include one of the following subtitles: purpose, PICOT/scholarly question, project description, project evaluation, implications to nursing and/or healthcare, and potential dissemination.
9 points    Student provides an abstract of their scholarly project but fails to include two of the following subtitles: purpose, PICOT/scholarly question, project description, project evaluation, implications to nursing and/or healthcare, and potential dissemination.
8 points    Student provides an abstract of their scholarly project but fails to include more than two of the following subtitles: purpose, PICOT/scholarly question, project description, project evaluation, implications to nursing and/or healthcare, and potential dissemination.
0-7 points
Career Goals
20 points    The student provides a summary of their career goals upon completion of their DNP education.  A long-term career goal is included along with steps to be taken to achieve this goal. Weakness or knowledge deficits and plans for professional development to address the weaknesses or knowledge deficits is included.
15 points    The student provides a summary of their career goals upon completion of their DNP education.  A long-term career goal is included but the plans for achievement of this goal are brief. Weakness or knowledge deficits are identified but plans for professional development to address the weaknesses or knowledge deficit is brief.
13-14 points    The student provides a summary of their career goals upon completion of their DNP education.  A long-term career goal is included but the plans for achievement of this goal are weak and/or unrealistic. Weakness or knowledge deficits are identified but plans for professional development to address the weaknesses or knowledge deficit is weak and/or unrealistic.
11-12 points    The student does not provide a summary of their career goals upon completion of their DNP education OR does not provide a long-term career goal is included along with steps to be taken to achieve this goal OR does not identify weakness or knowledge deficits OR does not provide plans for professional development to address the weaknesses or knowledge deficits.
0-10 points
Professionalism and Creativity
5 points    There are no errors in spelling, word usage, or punctuation. The font size and/or style are appropriate. There is a good use of color and contrast throughout. Visuals are be used to support and enhance the written information when appropriate.
5 points    There are minimal errors in spelling, word usage, or punctuation which do not impact readability. The font size and/or style are appropriate. There is a good use of color and contrast. Visuals are be used to support and enhance the written information when appropriate.
4 points    There are several minor spelling/ punctuation errors, which do not impact readability. The font size and/or style are inconsistent throughout the portfolio. Color contrasts are used inconsistently and detract from continuity. Visuals are sometimes not professional in appearance.
3 points    There are multiple spelling and punctuation errors which impact readability. The font size and/or style are inconsistent and impair readability. Color contrasts appear random and detract from the portfolio continuity and professional appearance. Visuals are used are not professional in appearance.
0 points
Total Points =   100  points

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