After watching the PBS special about Assisted Living Facilities, what are your thoughts? What struck you as most significant? Knowing that these facilities are private pay and therefore without regulation from the federal or state governments for payment, are you cofortable with that fact? What recommendation for changes would you make? Would the services offered by the Assisted Living Facility change your recommendation (like Alzheimers care, etc.)
After watching the PBS special about Assisted Living Facilities, what are your thoughts

After watching the PBS special about Assisted Living Facilities, what are your thoughts

After watching the PBS special about Assisted Living Facilities, what are your thoughts? What struck you as most significant? Knowing that these facilities are private pay and therefore without regulation from the federal or state governments for payment, are you cofortable with that fact? What recommendation for changes would you make? Would the services offered by the Assisted Living Facility change your recommendation (like Alzheimer’s care, etc.)
After watching the PBS special about Assisted Living Facilities, what are your thoughts

After watching the PBS special about Assisted Living Facilities, what are your thoughts? What struck you as most significant? Knowing that these facilities are private pay and therefore without regulation from the federal or state governments for payment, are you cofortable with that fact? What recommendation for changes would you make? Would the services offered by the Assisted Living Facility change your recommendation (like Alzheimer’s care, etc.)