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Employee Morale

Employee Morale
Order Description

Select a research issue/problem (it can be the same topic as paper 1), prepare and turn in a prospectus (a plan to do research) indicating the background of the problem, the problem statement, the purpose of the study, the hypothesis (es), the methodology to be employed in the study, and a review of the literature (this can be paper 1, as long as you use the same topic) pertaining to the problem. You are expected to develop the materials that would be used in the study (a survey, questionnaire, etc.), a data set, and graphs/charts. In a Prospectus–a plan to do research—we do everything except collect data. (See instruction in doc sharing). However, you are expected to use your knowledge and imagination in creating a data set, analysis, and charts/graphs to express the results of the data.

Details About Prospectus Expectations:

CHAPTER 1: Include subheadings for each of the following elements (at minimum):

1. Background: What led you investigate this issue/problem? Why are you interested in this?

2. Problem Statement: What is the problem under investigation? Be VERY specific! When we talk about a “problem” in research, it does necessarily mean that something is “wrong”. For example, you can have a “problem” where you are investigating the attitudes and opinions of a response group.

3. Purpose of Study: Why is the study important? What is the significance of the study? Who cares, and why do they (or should they) care?

4. Study Hypothesis (es): a prediction, or an “educated guess”- about the results of your study. Based on past research, what do you expect to find?

CHAPTER 2: Titled “Review of Related Literature”. A literature review is where you “review” published material that relates to your issue/problem. IF YOU CHOOSE
different topic for your Prospectus you must do a new review of literature that relates to your new topic area.

CHAPTER 3: Titled Methodology. In this chapter you will tell the reader very specifically HOW you are going to investigate the problem that was stated in Chapter 1. You must give very detailed information in this chapter. For example, describe the
proposed sample (this must be a realistic sample…how will you obtain names, addresses, etc. of your sample group? How will you contact them? What will you ask them, or ask them to do? What materials will you use?). You cannot state that you are going to survey people in Dallas. In other words, describe in detail the procedures and steps that will be used to gather the data.

Chapter 4: Titled “Findings”. Since you are not going to actually collect data, you will not have any true data analysis or findings. However, I would like for you to use your knowledge and imagination in this chapter. Use knowledge to describe how you would anticipate managing and analyzing the data (e.g., I will code the data like this…I will analyze these data with an ANOVA using SPSS). Explain your rationale for the proposed management and analysis. Finally, use your imagination and create a data set that you would envision collecting, and produce at least two graphics that clearly describe the data.

Chapter 5: Titled “Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations”. In this chapter you will need to do summarize the paper, and use the generated data to make conclusions and recommendations. In the Summary you will need to re-state much of what you already stated earlier in the paper (problem statement, methodology, etc.).

Each chapter should begin on a new page, a reference page must be included, and the appendix should contain a copy of the materials (IRB form, questionnaires, survey, data set, etc.).


Additional documents will be uploaded with grading rubric and what is required for each section of the paper.

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Employee Morale

Employee Morale

Order Description

Paper 1:
Prepare a short research paper on a business/economics topic of your choice
(MINIMUM OF 4 pages of CONTENT) ? fully following the APA guidelines and format. A substantial part of your grade on Paper 1 will be formatting and following the
APA guide. The objective of this paper is for you to learn to use the APA Manual. Use Times New Roman typeface, with 12-point font, and double-spacing. You are to assume this is a publishable paper and follow all APA guidelines as such.
Use direct quotes sparingly – See APA guidelines. For this paper – if you use five consecutive words from a source, you MUST use a ?direct quotation? and APA citation. Rearranging and changing a few words in a sentence is not appropriate. You must cite sources, even if you do not directly quote them. If you use a source, you must cite and give credit where credit is due. You are not allowed to directly quote more than one full sentence from any single source.
You must use subheadings in your paper (see APA guidelines). You MUST use peerreviewed (scholarly journals) for your references. Blogs, Newspapers, Television, Wikipedia, and the general internet are NOT scholarly journals. (See instruction in doc sharing.).
For every resource cited, you must include it in the reference list. For every item in the reference list, that source must be cited in the paper

Paper 1:
Prepare a short research paper on a business/economics topic of your choice
(MINIMUM OF 4 pages of CONTENT) – fully following the APA guidelines and format.  A substantial part of your grade on Paper 1 will be formatting and following the
APA guide.  The objective of this paper is for you to learn to use the APA Manual.  Use Times New Roman typeface, with 12-point font, and double-spacing.  You are to assume this is a publishable paper and follow all APA guidelines as such.
Use direct quotes sparingly – See APA guidelines.  For this paper – if you use five consecutive words from a source, you MUST use a “direct quotation” and APA citation. Rearranging and changing a few words in a sentence is not appropriate.  You must cite sources, even if you do not directly quote them.  If you use a source, you must cite and give credit where credit is due.  You are not allowed to directly quote more than one full sentence from any single source.
You must use subheadings in your paper (see APA guidelines). You MUST use peerreviewed (scholarly journals) for your references.  Blogs, Newspapers, Television, Wikipedia, and the general internet are NOT scholarly journals. (See instruction in doc sharing.).
For every resource cited, you must include it in the reference list.  For every item in the reference list, that source must be cited in the paper

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Employee Morale

Employee Morale

Order Description

Paper 1:
Prepare a short research paper on a business/economics topic of your choice
(MINIMUM OF 4 pages of CONTENT) ? fully following the APA guidelines and format. A substantial part of your grade on Paper 1 will be formatting and following the
APA guide. The objective of this paper is for you to learn to use the APA Manual. Use Times New Roman typeface, with 12-point font, and double-spacing. You are to assume this is a publishable paper and follow all APA guidelines as such.
Use direct quotes sparingly – See APA guidelines. For this paper – if you use five consecutive words from a source, you MUST use a ?direct quotation? and APA citation. Rearranging and changing a few words in a sentence is not appropriate. You must cite sources, even if you do not directly quote them. If you use a source, you must cite and give credit where credit is due. You are not allowed to directly quote more than one full sentence from any single source.
You must use subheadings in your paper (see APA guidelines). You MUST use peerreviewed (scholarly journals) for your references. Blogs, Newspapers, Television, Wikipedia, and the general internet are NOT scholarly journals. (See instruction in doc sharing.).
For every resource cited, you must include it in the reference list. For every item in the reference list, that source must be cited in the paper

Paper 1:
Prepare a short research paper on a business/economics topic of your choice
(MINIMUM OF 4 pages of CONTENT) – fully following the APA guidelines and format.  A substantial part of your grade on Paper 1 will be formatting and following the
APA guide.  The objective of this paper is for you to learn to use the APA Manual.  Use Times New Roman typeface, with 12-point font, and double-spacing.  You are to assume this is a publishable paper and follow all APA guidelines as such.
Use direct quotes sparingly – See APA guidelines.  For this paper – if you use five consecutive words from a source, you MUST use a “direct quotation” and APA citation. Rearranging and changing a few words in a sentence is not appropriate.  You must cite sources, even if you do not directly quote them.  If you use a source, you must cite and give credit where credit is due.  You are not allowed to directly quote more than one full sentence from any single source.
You must use subheadings in your paper (see APA guidelines). You MUST use peerreviewed (scholarly journals) for your references.  Blogs, Newspapers, Television, Wikipedia, and the general internet are NOT scholarly journals. (See instruction in doc sharing.).
For every resource cited, you must include it in the reference list.  For every item in the reference list, that source must be cited in the paper

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