This is the question paper from the University for the assessment:
1. General Assessment Guidance
• Your summative assessment for Academic and Career Skills without Work Placement is a Coursework submission.
• The deadline for submission by 4.00PM on Tuesday, 18th December, 2015
• You are required to submit your assessment via Turnitin online access. Only submissions made via the specified mode will be accepted and hard copies or any other digital form of submissions (like via email or pen drive etc.) will not be accepted.
• For coursework, the overall submission should be 3500 words maximum. You must comply with the word count guidelines. You may submit LESS than 3500 words but not more. Tables, diagrams, bibliography, appendices and headings are NOT included within word count calculations. You must specify total word count on the front page of your report. The word count is allocated as follows: – a 3,500 words maximum Business Report.
• For coursework, please use font size 12 for body text and the typeface (font) should be Arial or Times New Roman with minimum 1.5 spacing. For headers and titles, please use font size 14. Your submission must have standard margins and page numbers.
• Please use English (UK) as your language in the submission.
• Do not put your name or contact details anywhere on your submission. You should only put your student identification number (SRN) which will ensure your submission is recognised in the marking process.
• A total of 100 marks are available for this module assessment and you are required to achieve a minimum 50% to pass this module.
• You are required to use only the Harvard Referencing System in your submission. Any content which is already published by other author(s) and is not referenced will be considered as a case of plagiarism.
• The University has a very strict policy regarding plagiarism and in proven instances of plagiarism or collusion, severe punishment will be imposed on offenders. You are advised to read the rules and regulations regarding plagiarism and collusion in the GAR’s and MOPP’s which are available on the VLE.
• You should include a completed copy of the Assignment Cover sheet as shown towards end of this Coursework Assessment brief. Any submission without this completed Assignment Cover sheet will be considered invalid and not marked.
Part 1 – Business Report (70%)
You are required to write a Business Report of 3,500 words maximum. Your Academic & Career Skills module will have provided you with an excellent opportunity to observe research, critically analyse and reflect upon a global charity from a privileged position. You are required to write the Business Report in the style of a professional practitioner or Consultant and the report should be directed towards a business audience.
During your studies you were tasked with working within a group to identify a fund raising opportunity to generate money for a global charity. You should now re-visit the experience and undertake research into the following key internal aspect of the group task.
o Leadership and management Styles .
You should ensure that a positive, ethical and productive approach is assumed for this report. Confidential and sensitive data received or accessed from the charity or through interpersonal team interactions should be treated respectfully. If you are unsure whether you can use or access any information in your report it is essential that your seek guidance from your Project Supervisor.
Your Business Report should contain the following:-
1. An introduction – Introduction to your topic. You should incorporate and address the following:-
• What is the topic of your research? The topic is Leadership styles.
• What is the business context? (Barnados charity project)
??Ensure you introduce the charity appropriately.
• Why is this a relevant topic in this context? (Why leadership style is relevant topic to Barnados charity project)
• How do you intend to structure and present your research?
• What conclusions and recommendations will you reach?
2. Use of a wide range of reading, including some relevant and appropriate arguments and debates from your Masters programme. Ensure you demonstrate the relationships and associations between concepts, theories and best practice in the topic you have selected.
3. A critical analysis of your data and experience, building an argument that reflects current debate and best practice from a wide range of sources. Make sure you draw upon a range of opinions and approaches and that you apply critical insight into the topic under consideration.
4. Recommendations and justification of practical business or interpersonal solutions on how to improve the topic you have chosen to consider.
5. A clear communication strategy on how the University could promote these types of projects for students studying this module in the future. Ensure that the strategy you focus on is complementary to the organisation’s culture and communication style.
You can include diagrams, tables and style guides to help you present the information in a format which aids clear communication and engages with your target readership.
Remember to incorporate relevant academic models and theories from your previous study within your Masters programme.
If you are using models remember it is the analysis not the description that will gain marks.
You should use the Harvard Referencing System.
Business Report Structure – Guidance
• Cover Page
• Title Page
• Contents Page
o Headings and sub-headings
o List of Appendices
o Numbered tables, graphs and figures
o Summary of abbreviations
o All pages should be numbered
• Executive Summary (maximum 1 side of A4)
• Written Content
o Introduction including aims and objectives
o Sub-headings that guide the reader through the report
o Conclusion – revisit aims and objectives and ensure that you have achieved them
o Recommendations
• References
o Include all work and author’s mentioned in the report. Use Harvard Referencing.
• Appendices
o These can provide further information for the reader – they are not a necessity
o Your work should make sense without appendices being read
o Appendices should be presented in a numerical order that follows their reference within your written work
4. Marking Scheme
This combined assignment will be marked out of 100. The following table shows what marks will be awarded for and some guidelines for marking.
Knowledge & Understanding
• Has the student demonstrated the relationships and associations between concepts, theories, and best practice?
• Has the student used a wide range of reading, arguments and debates?
• Does the student articulate a viable and meaningful communication strategy?
• Has the student critically analysed their data?
• Has the student built an argument that reflects current debate and best practice from a wide range of sources?
• Has the student applied critical insight into the business topic under consideration?
Conclusion & Recommendations
• Has the student produced relevant recommendations and conclusions that have been arrived at logically through discussion and argument?
• Has the student recommended and justified practical solutions on how to improve the business topic under consideration?
• Has the student used a good structure and presentation for their submission?
• Has the student applied Harvard Referencing appropriately
• Does the student use appropriate and precise language that is professional in tone and establishes credibility?