The problem of Somali Homegrown terrorists in Minnesota and how to solve.
This about homegrown terror in the United States, but you mainly focus on Somali Muslim Community in Minneapolis and or Minnesota, or somewhere else in the USA. I will order a research paper for this later, but I now need an annotated bibliography for that. Your sources should focus on four main things.
1 – Little background about Somalis who left from Minnesota or the USA and join terrorists in Somalia or ISIS or other organization. (You can find enough sources if you google)
2 – How homegrown terrorism can be a problem for USA.
3 – What makes someone who grew up or born in the USA, especially Minnesota homegrown terror, or make them feel alienated or they are not enough American.
4 – How the problem can be solved (You have to propose solution)
All the sources don’t have to mention Somali homegrown terror. If a sources is about the broad conversation of homegrown terror, you can use it but you have to connect it to the topic. For instance, you mention the history of Somalis in Minnesota who joined terrorists, then you can use another source which is talking about what causes homegrown terrorism, and how to solve, and then connect the Somalis issue.
The Annotated Bibliography
You will write a version of an annotated bibliography. You will need to find 12 possible sources for the topic. The purpose of the bibliography is to sort through these 12 to find which sources will truly be valuable enough to use.
Your bibliography will consist of the 12 citation information entries, written in correct format of MLA For each of the 12 sources, you will also need to list where you found the source (which library or if a personal source; an article read on an online database; the URL for an internet source). For each of the 12 sources, you will need to do the following:
Briefly summarize the content of the source.
Evaluate the source’s credibility and reliability (consider what/where the item is published; who the author is; how up-to-date it is; if there is any potential bias given the publisher or author; if the information appears to be accurate).
Describe how well you think that source would work in the paper and why. You will need to give at least one specific reason why the source would or wouldn’t work.
Example (from a paper advocating how to best save for retirement):
“American Banks: Aftertaste.” The Economist. October 1992: 82-84. SMSU library shelves.
This article explains the effect of low interest rates on banks, how banks react to the rates, and how people are pulling their money out of regular savings accounts. While published in a national magazine devoted to economics, the article doesn’t have an author listed, and it is very dated, especially given the current economic climate. However, I could use this article to compare what the advice on retirement and interest rates used to be compared to what it is now.
The best way to write your annotations is to quickly go through each of the sources to see what’s there; don’t rely on the abstract you may see on the screen, because it may not be complete enough to tell you what you need to know. You need to quickly scan a potential source and give your evaluation of the source in your annotation. You go back to take notes later, once you decide for sure if a source is truly worth it.
There are restrictions on the numbers of different types of sources you can use for the 12 required for the annotated bibliography:
At least 10 must be from 2004 or later
At least 6 must be scholarly journal articles, if 6 not possible 4, if you can’t find at least 4, send me an email and let me know.
There must be a mix of sources (not all Internet sources, not all articles, etc.)
No more than 3 website-only sources (this does not include articles you find via an online database from the library)
No Wikipedia, encyclopedia, or dictionary entries (you can use Wikipedia as a place to start your research–you might find some links to sources there–but you won’t be able to cite the Wikipedia entry itself)
What makes someone who grew up or born in the USA, especially Minnesota homegrown terror, or make them feel alienated or they are not enough American.