Order DescriptionThe purpose of this assignment is to
a) test the students knowledge of the core concepts, models and frameworks
taught in the module and relevant to the strategy process
b) allow the student to apply their learning in the module to date in a case study
analysis and to present their findings in a high level report format.Assessment Task
1. Using appropriate academic models and concepts identify GEs core
competences and capabilities and discuss their effectiveness in supporting the
corporations success up to the date of the case. (30%)
2. Outline and discuss at least two strategic options for GE over the next five
years from the date of the case, with a recommendation as to which you
recommend. Your answer should draw on your earlier analysis. It may also
include independent research on GE, commenting on GEs current strategy.
Applying suitable academic models such as Kaplans Balanced Scorecard show
how strategy could be monitored and evaluated. (40%)
3. Drawing on sources such as Gary Hamel, compare and contrast Jeff Imeldts
management approach to his predecessor Jack Welchs, and give your opinion
as to which is more suitable for strategic leadership in todays VUCA (volatile,
uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world, and why? (30%)Target word count 3,000 + or 10% (excluding appendices)The case is available in Contemporary Strategy Analysis: Text and Cases 9th Edition by Robert M. Grant (2016-01-05)Assessment Breakdown
The percentages above indicate the wordcount distributions for each section.Assessment Guidance
You will be expected to read the case several times to make sure you understand the context, grasp the detail and then review the key elements using the core strategy models to go through the strategy process, drawing on evidence from the case to support and justify your views.
You should carry out further research on GE, however you must only use material
drawn from credible sources such as: academic articles and texts; quality newspaper and business periodicals, e.g., the FT, The Economist and the official GE website. You should not use unreliable sources such as non-reviewed websites, e.g., Wikipedia.Learning outcomes
The learning outcomes being addressed through this assignment are:
Knowledge and Understanding
a) Identify, critically appraise and select strategies for organisations operating within domestic and international contexts.
b) Critically evaluate strategies linked to responding to external environments (fit
strategies) and contrast them to strategies linked to core competencies (stretch
c) Recognise, consider and address macro-economic trends in a changing world and
their impact on business whilst evaluating competitive, organisational and ethical
Subject Specific Skills
d) Be able to apply the concepts of strategic planning to current organisations and conduct an environmental and competitor analysis of a given organisation or industry,
including within an international or global marketplace.
e) Develop appropriate policies and strategies within a changing environment for a variety of organisations, to meet stakeholder interests.
Key Skills
f) Develop and demonstrate key communication and time management skills.
h) Demonstrate critical thinking and creativity: engage the creative processes in self and others; organise thoughts, analyse, synthesise and critically appraise alternative strategies and choices.
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Using appropriate academic models and concepts identify GEs core competences and capabilities and discuss their effectiveness in supporting the corporations success up to the date of the case. (30%)