1. Assume that the per-worker production functionis . The saving and depreciation raterates are estimated at 0.2 and 0.04, respectively.
a) Calculate the capital-labor ratio steady
state for this economy.
b) Calculate consumption per worker at the
steady state.2.Suppose government purchases amount to$2.5 trillion, transfer payments amount to$1 trillion, net interest payments are $0.5 trillionand tax revenue is valued at $3 trillion.
a) Calculate the government deficit.
b) Calculate the primary deficit3.Assume that the expenditure and taxmultipliers can be estimated to be 0.75 and0.5 respectively.
a) Would you recommend expansionary fiscal
policy based on tax cuts or increased
government expenditures?
b) Suppose now that there is substantial evidence
that supports the hypothesis of a
crowding out effect in this economy. How
would your answer to b) change?
August 10th, 2017 admin
March 24th, 2017 admin
Macroeconomics paper (Graduate level)
Title: “Income inequality in the G7 countries”
Econometrics Model: Panel Data Model and GINI for inequality
Variables and datasets to look for: (GDP – GDP per capita – income share – income distribution – trade openness – investments – health – education) ‘WorldBank, IMF….’
45 pages
Supported by (graphs diagrams tables)
ABSOLUTELY Original work and plagiarism free
I need the excel file that contain the datasets mention above with the paper
format is:
•Title (1 Page)
•Abstract (1 Page)
•Table of Contents (1 Page)
•Introduction (1 Pages)
•Literature review (8 Pages)
•Theoretical Analysis (20 Pages)
•Empirical Testing and results [Panel Data Model and GINI] (13 Pages)
•Conclusions (1 Page)