How the elements of symmetry influence the development of the Clarke house and the Greek Revival style architecture?
Paper details1.Focus on how Greek Revival influence Clarke house symmetry VS other way around. And explain more specifically about the influence of symmetry on the development of the Clarke house.
2. Offer a revised version of your architectural analysis, tour analysis,from your first paper assignment.
3. a written plan for a new architectural tour of Clarke House based on the question of How the elements of symmetry influence the development of the Clarke house and the Greek Revival style architecture? Explain how you will guide visitors through the building and what historical information and architectural elements you will focus on. What will be your main stopping points, why are they significant, and how will you present them to your visitors?
4. Cite architectural elements of Clarke House and also ideas and information from your scholarly resources. All quotations, ideas that are not your own, and facts that are not common knowledge require citations in the text of your paper
How the elements of symmetry influence the development of the Clarke house and the Greek Revival style architecture?