Look back at Saids Orientalism. Write a 250-word reflection on the tone (device, diction, and structure) he uses to approach his arguments. Does this article resemble an extension or adaptation of a conventional approach to argument? Can you identify how Said has adapted or extended an aspect of any of the approaches to conventional argument? Be sure to include a couple of textual examples to demonstrate why you feel this way. Post your reflection to the Discussion Board, and read the posts from your colleagues, responding to at least two of them.
Look back at Minh-has Not You/Like You. Write a 250-word reflection on Minh-has approach to her arguments. How does the article work as an argument? Be sure to include several textual examples to demonstrate why you feel this way. Post your reflection to the Discussion Board, and read the posts from your colleagues, responding to at least two of them.
Said’s Orientalism and Minh-ha’s Not You/Like You