Observation Essay: 2-3 pages Begin with a clear thesis. Your introduction should set the stage for the rest of your paper.In an observation essay, it can be easy to lose focus. Make sure that your paper is well organized and leads the reader through your reflection. Remember, you dont need to describe everything. Pick and choose which events, conversations, or items you wish to include. You will want to have an outline before you begin writing. Another danger in an observation paper is to go crazy on description. Make sure your descriptions are precise and meaningful.Finally, conclude your paper. Your conclusion should reflect back to your introduction and serve as a summary of your paper.
Observation Essay
August 10th, 2017 admin
Observation Essay
March 13th, 2017
Here are the directions:
Students will observe a family gathering, festival, or other approved ceremony, celebration, etc that involves an ethnic/religious/social group or group “outside” of their experiences. Students may also observe foreign or documentary films or other media resources. Interviews can be included as well. A
3-page paper will then be composed recording the events observed along with the student’s reaction. You must observe something new for this paper; therefore, past experiences cannot be observed for this assignment. Use of the first person (I and we) is acceptable for this paper. Use of the second person (you and all of its forms) is not acceptable. . **This assignment addresses course competencies 1 and 3.