2(Single Spaced)
1 sourceArticle found at http://www.wsj.com/articles/comcasts-nbcuniversal-agrees-to-invest-in-buzzfeed-1439927427?Must include the following:
A detailed overview (generally at least one page in length) of the article, including main points and issues covered.
? Quotations should be limited in quantity, clearly indicated as quotes and typically come from the item reviewed. Instructor reserves right to examine submissions for plagiarism (a form of cheating) and to penalize excessive direct quotations.
? A choice of at least four important aspects (topics, concepts, ideas)of these, at least TWO must be considered favorable by you and at least ONE must be considered unfavorable. The favorable aspects should be headed as Areas of Agreement and be backed by a substantial discussion. The unfavorable aspect[s] should also receive a substantial discussion and be headed as Areas of Disagreement.
? Finally, create an essay question clearly specific to the article but one that you believe could be competently answered by anyone in the class that read the article. This question should be labeled Essay Question.
examine submissions for plagiarism (a form of cheating) and to penalize excessive direct quotations.