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Topic: (Operations Management and Service Excellence) A written report based the operation of a small independent Café or Coffee shop

Order Description
Strictly follow the general guidelines. the report should be based on a local independent caffe in london, it shouldnot be the big established caffe like costa, Starbucks etc. it need photos of the caffe and other requirement as per the general guideline and the marking skim. i will forward a sample copy of a Undergraduate work but the one you are doing is for masters level you can follow the style figures needed as in the sample piece. plagiarism should not be more than 10%.

1. General Assessment Guidance

• Your summative assessment for Operations Management and Service Excellence (NEW) is a Coursework submission.
• You are required to submit your assessment via Turnitin online access. Only submissions made via the specified mode will be accepted and hard copies or any other digital form of submissions (like via email or pen drive etc.) will not be accepted.
• For coursework, the submission word limit is 3,500 words. You must comply with the word count guidelines. You may submit LESS than 3500 words but not more. Numerical tables, diagrams, bibliography, appendices, annex and headings are NOT included within word count calculations. You must specify total word count on the front page of your report.
• For coursework, please use font size 12 for body text and the typeface (font) should be Arial or Times New Roman with minimum 1.5 spacing.
• For headers and titles, please use font size 14. Your submission must have standard margins and page numbers.
• Please use English (UK) as your language in the submission.
• Do not put your name or contact details anywhere on your submission. You should only put your student identification number (SRN) which will ensure your submission is recognised in the marking process.
• A total of 100 marks are available for this module assessment and you are required to achieve minimum 50% to pass this module.
• You are required to use only Harvard Referencing System in your submission. Any content which is already published by other author(s) and is not referenced will be considered as a case of plagiarism.
You can find further information on Harvard Referencing in the online library on the VLE. You can use the
• University has a strict policy regarding plagiarism and in proven instances of plagiarism or collusion, severe punishment will be imposed on offenders. You are advised to read the rules and regulations regarding plagiarism and collusion in the GAR and MOPP which are available on VLE in the Academic registry section.

2.Assessment brief: Operations Management and Service Excellence (2016)
Course Work: April 2016
1. The course work is in 1 part:
A written report based the operation of a small independent Café or Coffee shop
2. Assessment
This is a realistic exercise and your tutors are expecting to take away some real ideas and suggestions from your reports.
The task: You must visit the organisation of your choice as part of this course work; however it is important to remember that you are representing BPP University, so please ensure that you are professional and considerate to the business and its needs.
Whilst visiting the operation it will aid your report if you collect some quantifiable data. This may include: seating capacity (seating plan), number of customers served, time to serve each customer.
Please read this carefully and then prepare a report to address the following questions:
1. Provide an introduction and overview of your chosen organisation Café/Coffee Shop (10 marks)
2. Analyse how operations management processes support the Café/Coffee shop (20 marks)
3. Critically discuss how the 5 Performance Objectives apply to the Café/Coffee shop and what improvements could be made. (20 marks)
4. Critically discuss the supply chain of the Café/Coffee shop (15 marks)
5. Compare and contrast the quality processes of your chosen Café/Coffee shop with that of another high street Café/Coffee shop (25 marks)
6. Presentation and references (10 marks)
3. Guidance
Please see the marking guide.
• Introduction and overview – this needs to include information on:
o Location of business/type of customers
o Capacity – how many customers were served during your visit, was this acceptable
o Layout (perhaps a photograph)
o Services offered – this can include all products offered
• Operations management processes – students to identify the types of operations processes used, this may include waste management or quality control.
• Define the meaning of the 5 performance objectives in the context of your chosen operation. How are they performing against the 5 performance objectives? For example: speed – how quickly are the customers being served (is it competitive)? Some competitor analysis will assist in defining the objectives. What improvements would you make to the operation to improve its competitiveness?
• Supply chains – what are they and how are the used? Students to also consider in-sourcing and outsourcing.
Coursework – Question Breakdown of marks – 100% Approach guidance
1. Provide an introduction and overview of your chosen operation . Overview of Business

10 marks Students will provide an introduction and overview to the business of their choice
2. Investigate how operations management processes support the Café/Coffee shop Students to identify the different operations processes and why they are important to the business. For example, Quality Control and managing wastes.

Total 20 marks For an excellent mark students will collect evidence to support their arguments. Academic sources will be referred to within the report, for example the core text.
3. Critically discuss how the 5 Performance Objectives apply to the Café/Coffee shop and what improvements could be made
Define the meaning of the 5 performance objects for the operation, using references. Apply the 5 Performance objectives to the operation with justification (10 marks)
Discuss the improvements to be made to the business. (10 marks)

Total 20 marks For an excellent mark students will use models and theories and apply these to the performance objectives.
There will be a critical discussion of the performance objectives which demonstrates how these apply to the operation. These will be supported by academic sources.

4. Critically discuss the supply chain of the Café/Coffee shop

Define supply chains and supply networks (5 marks)
Discuss the supply chain of the Café/Coffee Shop – how is it managed? Do they have multiple suppliers or single? (10 marks)

Total 15 marks For an excellent mark students will provide an in-depth analysis of the supply chain process. Students will provide a detailed analysis of the supply chain and may include; insourcing and outsourcing and selecting supply chains.

5 Compare and contrast the quality processes of your chosen Café/Coffee shop with that of another high street Café/Coffee shop (25 marks) Define what quality is and the types of quality processes. (10 marks)
Compare and contrast with another high street Café/Coffee shop. (15 marks)

Total 25 marks For an excellent answer students will define what quality processes are and provide examples using evidence from the literature to support this.
Students will then compare and contrast the different quality processes with those of another Café/Coffee shop.

6. Presentation and references
Award 10 marks for the presentation and accurate referencing of the report.

Total 10 marks The language used should be appropriate to the academic context and business communication but should avoid colloquialisms, informal terms and jargon.

sample piece of work for further guideline is attached with the order figures are compulsary.

You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Topic: (Operations Management and Service Excellence) A written report based the operation of a small independent Café or Coffee shop

Order Description
Strictly follow the general guidelines. the report should be based on a local independent caffe in london, it shouldnot be the big established caffe like costa, Starbucks etc. it need photos of the caffe and other requirement as per the general guideline and the marking skim. i will forward a sample copy of a Undergraduate work but the one you are doing is for masters level you can follow the style figures needed as in the sample piece. plagiarism should not be more than 10%.

1. General Assessment Guidance

• Your summative assessment for Operations Management and Service Excellence (NEW) is a Coursework submission.
• You are required to submit your assessment via Turnitin online access. Only submissions made via the specified mode will be accepted and hard copies or any other digital form of submissions (like via email or pen drive etc.) will not be accepted.
• For coursework, the submission word limit is 3,500 words. You must comply with the word count guidelines. You may submit LESS than 3500 words but not more. Numerical tables, diagrams, bibliography, appendices, annex and headings are NOT included within word count calculations. You must specify total word count on the front page of your report.
• For coursework, please use font size 12 for body text and the typeface (font) should be Arial or Times New Roman with minimum 1.5 spacing.
• For headers and titles, please use font size 14. Your submission must have standard margins and page numbers.
• Please use English (UK) as your language in the submission.
• Do not put your name or contact details anywhere on your submission. You should only put your student identification number (SRN) which will ensure your submission is recognised in the marking process.
• A total of 100 marks are available for this module assessment and you are required to achieve minimum 50% to pass this module.
• You are required to use only Harvard Referencing System in your submission. Any content which is already published by other author(s) and is not referenced will be considered as a case of plagiarism.
You can find further information on Harvard Referencing in the online library on the VLE. You can use the
• University has a strict policy regarding plagiarism and in proven instances of plagiarism or collusion, severe punishment will be imposed on offenders. You are advised to read the rules and regulations regarding plagiarism and collusion in the GAR and MOPP which are available on VLE in the Academic registry section.

2.Assessment brief: Operations Management and Service Excellence (2016)
Course Work: April 2016
1. The course work is in 1 part:
A written report based the operation of a small independent Café or Coffee shop
2. Assessment
This is a realistic exercise and your tutors are expecting to take away some real ideas and suggestions from your reports.
The task: You must visit the organisation of your choice as part of this course work; however it is important to remember that you are representing BPP University, so please ensure that you are professional and considerate to the business and its needs.
Whilst visiting the operation it will aid your report if you collect some quantifiable data. This may include: seating capacity (seating plan), number of customers served, time to serve each customer.
Please read this carefully and then prepare a report to address the following questions:
1. Provide an introduction and overview of your chosen organisation Café/Coffee Shop (10 marks)
2. Analyse how operations management processes support the Café/Coffee shop (20 marks)
3. Critically discuss how the 5 Performance Objectives apply to the Café/Coffee shop and what improvements could be made. (20 marks)
4. Critically discuss the supply chain of the Café/Coffee shop (15 marks)
5. Compare and contrast the quality processes of your chosen Café/Coffee shop with that of another high street Café/Coffee shop (25 marks)
6. Presentation and references (10 marks)
3. Guidance
Please see the marking guide.
• Introduction and overview – this needs to include information on:
o Location of business/type of customers
o Capacity – how many customers were served during your visit, was this acceptable
o Layout (perhaps a photograph)
o Services offered – this can include all products offered
• Operations management processes – students to identify the types of operations processes used, this may include waste management or quality control.
• Define the meaning of the 5 performance objectives in the context of your chosen operation. How are they performing against the 5 performance objectives? For example: speed – how quickly are the customers being served (is it competitive)? Some competitor analysis will assist in defining the objectives. What improvements would you make to the operation to improve its competitiveness?
• Supply chains – what are they and how are the used? Students to also consider in-sourcing and outsourcing.
Coursework – Question Breakdown of marks – 100% Approach guidance
1. Provide an introduction and overview of your chosen operation . Overview of Business

10 marks Students will provide an introduction and overview to the business of their choice
2. Investigate how operations management processes support the Café/Coffee shop Students to identify the different operations processes and why they are important to the business. For example, Quality Control and managing wastes.

Total 20 marks For an excellent mark students will collect evidence to support their arguments. Academic sources will be referred to within the report, for example the core text.
3. Critically discuss how the 5 Performance Objectives apply to the Café/Coffee shop and what improvements could be made
Define the meaning of the 5 performance objects for the operation, using references. Apply the 5 Performance objectives to the operation with justification (10 marks)
Discuss the improvements to be made to the business. (10 marks)

Total 20 marks For an excellent mark students will use models and theories and apply these to the performance objectives.
There will be a critical discussion of the performance objectives which demonstrates how these apply to the operation. These will be supported by academic sources.

4. Critically discuss the supply chain of the Café/Coffee shop

Define supply chains and supply networks (5 marks)
Discuss the supply chain of the Café/Coffee Shop – how is it managed? Do they have multiple suppliers or single? (10 marks)

Total 15 marks For an excellent mark students will provide an in-depth analysis of the supply chain process. Students will provide a detailed analysis of the supply chain and may include; insourcing and outsourcing and selecting supply chains.

5 Compare and contrast the quality processes of your chosen Café/Coffee shop with that of another high street Café/Coffee shop (25 marks) Define what quality is and the types of quality processes. (10 marks)
Compare and contrast with another high street Café/Coffee shop. (15 marks)

Total 25 marks For an excellent answer students will define what quality processes are and provide examples using evidence from the literature to support this.
Students will then compare and contrast the different quality processes with those of another Café/Coffee shop.

6. Presentation and references
Award 10 marks for the presentation and accurate referencing of the report.

Total 10 marks The language used should be appropriate to the academic context and business communication but should avoid colloquialisms, informal terms and jargon.

sample piece of work for further guideline is attached with the order figures are compulsary.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Topic: (Operations Management and Service Excellence) A written report based the operation of a small independent Café or Coffee shop

Order Description
Strictly follow the general guidelines. the report should be based on a local independent caffe in london, it shouldnot be the big established caffe like costa, Starbucks etc. it need photos of the caffe and other requirement as per the general guideline and the marking skim. i will forward a sample copy of a Undergraduate work but the one you are doing is for masters level you can follow the style figures needed as in the sample piece. plagiarism should not be more than 10%.

1. General Assessment Guidance

• Your summative assessment for Operations Management and Service Excellence (NEW) is a Coursework submission.
• You are required to submit your assessment via Turnitin online access. Only submissions made via the specified mode will be accepted and hard copies or any other digital form of submissions (like via email or pen drive etc.) will not be accepted.
• For coursework, the submission word limit is 3,500 words. You must comply with the word count guidelines. You may submit LESS than 3500 words but not more. Numerical tables, diagrams, bibliography, appendices, annex and headings are NOT included within word count calculations. You must specify total word count on the front page of your report.
• For coursework, please use font size 12 for body text and the typeface (font) should be Arial or Times New Roman with minimum 1.5 spacing.
• For headers and titles, please use font size 14. Your submission must have standard margins and page numbers.
• Please use English (UK) as your language in the submission.
• Do not put your name or contact details anywhere on your submission. You should only put your student identification number (SRN) which will ensure your submission is recognised in the marking process.
• A total of 100 marks are available for this module assessment and you are required to achieve minimum 50% to pass this module.
• You are required to use only Harvard Referencing System in your submission. Any content which is already published by other author(s) and is not referenced will be considered as a case of plagiarism.
You can find further information on Harvard Referencing in the online library on the VLE. You can use the
• University has a strict policy regarding plagiarism and in proven instances of plagiarism or collusion, severe punishment will be imposed on offenders. You are advised to read the rules and regulations regarding plagiarism and collusion in the GAR and MOPP which are available on VLE in the Academic registry section.

2.Assessment brief: Operations Management and Service Excellence (2016)
Course Work: April 2016
1. The course work is in 1 part:
A written report based the operation of a small independent Café or Coffee shop
2. Assessment
This is a realistic exercise and your tutors are expecting to take away some real ideas and suggestions from your reports.
The task: You must visit the organisation of your choice as part of this course work; however it is important to remember that you are representing BPP University, so please ensure that you are professional and considerate to the business and its needs.
Whilst visiting the operation it will aid your report if you collect some quantifiable data. This may include: seating capacity (seating plan), number of customers served, time to serve each customer.
Please read this carefully and then prepare a report to address the following questions:
1. Provide an introduction and overview of your chosen organisation Café/Coffee Shop (10 marks)
2. Analyse how operations management processes support the Café/Coffee shop (20 marks)
3. Critically discuss how the 5 Performance Objectives apply to the Café/Coffee shop and what improvements could be made. (20 marks)
4. Critically discuss the supply chain of the Café/Coffee shop (15 marks)
5. Compare and contrast the quality processes of your chosen Café/Coffee shop with that of another high street Café/Coffee shop (25 marks)
6. Presentation and references (10 marks)
3. Guidance
Please see the marking guide.
• Introduction and overview – this needs to include information on:
o Location of business/type of customers
o Capacity – how many customers were served during your visit, was this acceptable
o Layout (perhaps a photograph)
o Services offered – this can include all products offered
• Operations management processes – students to identify the types of operations processes used, this may include waste management or quality control.
• Define the meaning of the 5 performance objectives in the context of your chosen operation. How are they performing against the 5 performance objectives? For example: speed – how quickly are the customers being served (is it competitive)? Some competitor analysis will assist in defining the objectives. What improvements would you make to the operation to improve its competitiveness?
• Supply chains – what are they and how are the used? Students to also consider in-sourcing and outsourcing.
Coursework – Question Breakdown of marks – 100% Approach guidance
1. Provide an introduction and overview of your chosen operation . Overview of Business

10 marks Students will provide an introduction and overview to the business of their choice
2. Investigate how operations management processes support the Café/Coffee shop Students to identify the different operations processes and why they are important to the business. For example, Quality Control and managing wastes.

Total 20 marks For an excellent mark students will collect evidence to support their arguments. Academic sources will be referred to within the report, for example the core text.
3. Critically discuss how the 5 Performance Objectives apply to the Café/Coffee shop and what improvements could be made
Define the meaning of the 5 performance objects for the operation, using references. Apply the 5 Performance objectives to the operation with justification (10 marks)
Discuss the improvements to be made to the business. (10 marks)

Total 20 marks For an excellent mark students will use models and theories and apply these to the performance objectives.
There will be a critical discussion of the performance objectives which demonstrates how these apply to the operation. These will be supported by academic sources.

4. Critically discuss the supply chain of the Café/Coffee shop

Define supply chains and supply networks (5 marks)
Discuss the supply chain of the Café/Coffee Shop – how is it managed? Do they have multiple suppliers or single? (10 marks)

Total 15 marks For an excellent mark students will provide an in-depth analysis of the supply chain process. Students will provide a detailed analysis of the supply chain and may include; insourcing and outsourcing and selecting supply chains.

5 Compare and contrast the quality processes of your chosen Café/Coffee shop with that of another high street Café/Coffee shop (25 marks) Define what quality is and the types of quality processes. (10 marks)
Compare and contrast with another high street Café/Coffee shop. (15 marks)

Total 25 marks For an excellent answer students will define what quality processes are and provide examples using evidence from the literature to support this.
Students will then compare and contrast the different quality processes with those of another Café/Coffee shop.

6. Presentation and references
Award 10 marks for the presentation and accurate referencing of the report.

Total 10 marks The language used should be appropriate to the academic context and business communication but should avoid colloquialisms, informal terms and jargon.

sample piece of work for further guideline is attached with the order figures are compulsary.

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