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write an ethnography of a typical, recurrent meeting and provide updates on this research throughout the semester. This project includes an ethnography of a workplace meeting or recurrent situation where a particular ethical issue or problem is under discussion or exemplified (see handouts). Must take careful field notes, make observations about behavior and write up a detailed ethnography of the meeting or recurrent situation.
NOTE: DO NOT write abstracts or title pages
plagiarism detection
software, therefore you are advised to create tables in Word
and not to cut and paste Excel or other
software into the document. The marker
will not be able to
access your spreadsheets and see your
The rubric by which your report will be assessed will be posted separately. It is important
that prior
to you submitting your work, you read this and objectively assess your
response against the rubric.
will ensure that you have done enough to attain the
marks you wish to achieve.
This assignment tests achievement of all our module learning outcomes:
1. Select and apply appropriate accounting techniques to critically analyse financial
data in a variety
business decision making scenarios
2. Make informed financial judgements based on the outcome of such accounting

Term Project—Students are to write an ethnography of a typical, recurrent meeting and provide updates on this research throughout the semester. This project includes an ethnography of a workplace meeting or recurrent situation where a particular ethical issue or problem is under discussion or exemplified (see handouts). Students must take careful field notes, make observations about behavior and write up a detailed ethnography of the meeting or recurrent situation. In addition, there will be a Video Presentation of the ethnography to the class.
An ethnography, according to anthropologist Clifford Geertz, is a “thick description” of a cultural event that has become a commonplace in a particular culture. Geertz is famous for his analysis of the cockfight in Bali, an analysis that demonstrates the importance of low culture or popular culture events and meetings in the life of a culture. Anthropologists had passed over the cockfight as an unimportant event in the Balinese culture until Geertz was able to demonstrate that the cockfight, in fact, was at the very heart of the culture and exhibited many of the characteristics of the Balinese people. If cockfights are important in Bali, what cultural events and meetings are important to us here in the U.S? The purpose of the project is to think about what makes for good leadership and a good organization—good in two senses—effective and ethical. It is best if you are not the person who chairs the meeting, since your job will be to observe, take notes, and later, to write an ethnography of the meeting.
This ethnography continues our quest for understanding what makes for both effective and ethical leadership. Think of an upcoming event or recurrent situation in your workplace, and after careful observation of the event or situation, write an ethnography of the event and its significance for understanding ethics and leadership. It would be best if you describe an event that occurs over and over again—a team meeting, a management meeting, a shift-change meeting, etc. Careful observation about typical, recurrent events in our lives and the life of our families can lead to a growing awareness of what we value and believe about leaders and managers.
You will want to observe a typical, recurrent meeting within the next few weeks and carefully record your observations. From these observations you will write up your ethnography. I recommend that you take a notebook and record detailed observations about the setting of the event and actual words spoken by people who participate in the event. You might want to audio- or even video-record the event.
Product (Format)
The final shape of the essay should roughly follow the format of the sample student ethnographies. You will need to give us some background, a description of the physical environment, a description of the event or meeting and an interpretation of the event in terms of how effective and ethical the leadership was. In addition, you will want to interpret the event or meeting in terms of one of the ethical theories we have studied. The ethnography needs to be four to six pages long, typed and single-spaced. A title must be included on the first page of the ethnography. Standard margins of 1? should be used, and a standard (12 point) font like Courier or Times New Roman should be used. Use APA format with quotations around quoted material and in-text, parenthetical citations if you quote from, paraphrase, or allude to any other sources.
I have mentioned that I am an authorized dealer (Running a store for the company) for Cricket Wireless which is a cellular company for cell phones and cell services. The characters who lead a meeting in my company are Lori “Territory Sales Manager (TSM)” and Mitchell “Indirect Sales Manager (ISE)”. Feel free to invent scenarios and characters in meeting and events and relate them to ethical issues.
Please find the attached example on an ethnography for the rubric, and that should help you in writing the paper as required.

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write an ethnography of a typical, recurrent meeting and provide updates on this research throughout the semester. This project includes an ethnography of a workplace meeting or recurrent situation where a particular ethical issue or problem is under discussion or exemplified (see handouts). Must take careful field notes, make observations about behavior and write up a detailed ethnography of the meeting or recurrent situation.
NOTE: DO NOT write abstracts or title pages
plagiarism detection
software, therefore you are advised to create tables in Word
and not to cut and paste Excel or other
software into the document. The marker
will not be able to
access your spreadsheets and see your
The rubric by which your report will be assessed will be posted separately. It is important
that prior
to you submitting your work, you read this and objectively assess your
response against the rubric.
will ensure that you have done enough to attain the
marks you wish to achieve.
This assignment tests achievement of all our module learning outcomes:
1. Select and apply appropriate accounting techniques to critically analyse financial
data in a variety
business decision making scenarios
2. Make informed financial judgements based on the outcome of such accounting

Term Project—Students are to write an ethnography of a typical, recurrent meeting and provide updates on this research throughout the semester. This project includes an ethnography of a workplace meeting or recurrent situation where a particular ethical issue or problem is under discussion or exemplified (see handouts). Students must take careful field notes, make observations about behavior and write up a detailed ethnography of the meeting or recurrent situation. In addition, there will be a Video Presentation of the ethnography to the class.
An ethnography, according to anthropologist Clifford Geertz, is a “thick description” of a cultural event that has become a commonplace in a particular culture. Geertz is famous for his analysis of the cockfight in Bali, an analysis that demonstrates the importance of low culture or popular culture events and meetings in the life of a culture. Anthropologists had passed over the cockfight as an unimportant event in the Balinese culture until Geertz was able to demonstrate that the cockfight, in fact, was at the very heart of the culture and exhibited many of the characteristics of the Balinese people. If cockfights are important in Bali, what cultural events and meetings are important to us here in the U.S? The purpose of the project is to think about what makes for good leadership and a good organization—good in two senses—effective and ethical. It is best if you are not the person who chairs the meeting, since your job will be to observe, take notes, and later, to write an ethnography of the meeting.
This ethnography continues our quest for understanding what makes for both effective and ethical leadership. Think of an upcoming event or recurrent situation in your workplace, and after careful observation of the event or situation, write an ethnography of the event and its significance for understanding ethics and leadership. It would be best if you describe an event that occurs over and over again—a team meeting, a management meeting, a shift-change meeting, etc. Careful observation about typical, recurrent events in our lives and the life of our families can lead to a growing awareness of what we value and believe about leaders and managers.
You will want to observe a typical, recurrent meeting within the next few weeks and carefully record your observations. From these observations you will write up your ethnography. I recommend that you take a notebook and record detailed observations about the setting of the event and actual words spoken by people who participate in the event. You might want to audio- or even video-record the event.
Product (Format)
The final shape of the essay should roughly follow the format of the sample student ethnographies. You will need to give us some background, a description of the physical environment, a description of the event or meeting and an interpretation of the event in terms of how effective and ethical the leadership was. In addition, you will want to interpret the event or meeting in terms of one of the ethical theories we have studied. The ethnography needs to be four to six pages long, typed and single-spaced. A title must be included on the first page of the ethnography. Standard margins of 1″ should be used, and a standard (12 point) font like Courier or Times New Roman should be used. Use APA format with quotations around quoted material and in-text, parenthetical citations if you quote from, paraphrase, or allude to any other sources.
I have mentioned that I am an authorized dealer (Running a store for the company) for Cricket Wireless which is a cellular company for cell phones and cell services. The characters who lead a meeting in my company are Lori “Territory Sales Manager (TSM)” and Mitchell “Indirect Sales Manager (ISE)”. Feel free to invent scenarios and characters in meeting and events and relate them to ethical issues.
Please find the attached example on an ethnography for the rubric, and that should help you in writing the paper as required.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.



write an ethnography of a typical, recurrent meeting and provide updates on this research throughout the semester. This project includes an ethnography of a workplace meeting or recurrent situation where a particular ethical issue or problem is under discussion or exemplified (see handouts). Must take careful field notes, make observations about behavior and write up a detailed ethnography of the meeting or recurrent situation.
NOTE: DO NOT write abstracts or title pages
plagiarism detection
software, therefore you are advised to create tables in Word
and not to cut and paste Excel or other
software into the document. The marker
will not be able to
access your spreadsheets and see your
The rubric by which your report will be assessed will be posted separately. It is important
that prior
to you submitting your work, you read this and objectively assess your
response against the rubric.
will ensure that you have done enough to attain the
marks you wish to achieve.
This assignment tests achievement of all our module learning outcomes:
1. Select and apply appropriate accounting techniques to critically analyse financial
data in a variety
business decision making scenarios
2. Make informed financial judgements based on the outcome of such accounting

Term Project—Students are to write an ethnography of a typical, recurrent meeting and provide updates on this research throughout the semester. This project includes an ethnography of a workplace meeting or recurrent situation where a particular ethical issue or problem is under discussion or exemplified (see handouts). Students must take careful field notes, make observations about behavior and write up a detailed ethnography of the meeting or recurrent situation. In addition, there will be a Video Presentation of the ethnography to the class.
An ethnography, according to anthropologist Clifford Geertz, is a “thick description” of a cultural event that has become a commonplace in a particular culture. Geertz is famous for his analysis of the cockfight in Bali, an analysis that demonstrates the importance of low culture or popular culture events and meetings in the life of a culture. Anthropologists had passed over the cockfight as an unimportant event in the Balinese culture until Geertz was able to demonstrate that the cockfight, in fact, was at the very heart of the culture and exhibited many of the characteristics of the Balinese people. If cockfights are important in Bali, what cultural events and meetings are important to us here in the U.S? The purpose of the project is to think about what makes for good leadership and a good organization—good in two senses—effective and ethical. It is best if you are not the person who chairs the meeting, since your job will be to observe, take notes, and later, to write an ethnography of the meeting.
This ethnography continues our quest for understanding what makes for both effective and ethical leadership. Think of an upcoming event or recurrent situation in your workplace, and after careful observation of the event or situation, write an ethnography of the event and its significance for understanding ethics and leadership. It would be best if you describe an event that occurs over and over again—a team meeting, a management meeting, a shift-change meeting, etc. Careful observation about typical, recurrent events in our lives and the life of our families can lead to a growing awareness of what we value and believe about leaders and managers.
You will want to observe a typical, recurrent meeting within the next few weeks and carefully record your observations. From these observations you will write up your ethnography. I recommend that you take a notebook and record detailed observations about the setting of the event and actual words spoken by people who participate in the event. You might want to audio- or even video-record the event.
Product (Format)
The final shape of the essay should roughly follow the format of the sample student ethnographies. You will need to give us some background, a description of the physical environment, a description of the event or meeting and an interpretation of the event in terms of how effective and ethical the leadership was. In addition, you will want to interpret the event or meeting in terms of one of the ethical theories we have studied. The ethnography needs to be four to six pages long, typed and single-spaced. A title must be included on the first page of the ethnography. Standard margins of 1″ should be used, and a standard (12 point) font like Courier or Times New Roman should be used. Use APA format with quotations around quoted material and in-text, parenthetical citations if you quote from, paraphrase, or allude to any other sources.
I have mentioned that I am an authorized dealer (Running a store for the company) for Cricket Wireless which is a cellular company for cell phones and cell services. The characters who lead a meeting in my company are Lori “Territory Sales Manager (TSM)” and Mitchell “Indirect Sales Manager (ISE)”. Feel free to invent scenarios and characters in meeting and events and relate them to ethical issues.
Please find the attached example on an ethnography for the rubric, and that should help you in writing the paper as required.

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