1. What is the difference between Copyright and Patent?
2. What is the process involved in patenting something you have invented?
3. What is a ?Royalty? and how is it calculated?
4. How is this (Royalty) process different to a ?Franchise??
5. Rob Reid www.ted.com/talks/rob_reid_the_8_billion_ipod.html suggests that iPod could be worth $8 billion ? how does he calculate this value?
6. What is a Creative Commons License? How is it different to other forms of licensing?
7. How many types of CC license are there and why are there these different types?
8. What is ?Biopiracy? and why is it becoming such a controversial topic? www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPMd4u1MCDg
9. What is the agreement on ?Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights??
10. Can a pig be legally patented? Justify your answer. www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-ouf_g