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The different LIC Chinese students’ diet in China and UK

The different LIC Chinese students’ diet in China and UK


Dear Participant,

I am a student at Liverpool International College (LIC). Part of my course entails an assessment which requires the collection and presentation of information and
data. All assessments have been given ethical consideration by the college and the tasks undertaken by students are closely monitored by tutors.

The aim of the research is aim to search the differences diet between Chinese student in LIC when they were in Chine and in the UK, so they questionnaire has been
design mainly around the three question in my research proposal :
1. What different kind of food do Chinese student usually eating in China and in UK;
2.How often a Chinese student will eat in LIC college during working days;
3.How much time for each meal will take in LIC Chinese students.

The way in which the data is collected and stored means that the participant’s privacy, personal information and interests are protected. I ensure this by keeping all
data anonymous, storing it securely and only using it in the assessment for which it is collected. The only people who have direct access to the data and assessment
are my tutors and I. Furthermore, all data will be destroyed at the end of my course.

It is the participant’s right to stop their involvement at any point of their choosing and any of their data that has already been collected will be destroyed and not
included in the assessment.

Please indicate below that you have understood the above information and are giving your informed consent to provide information/data that I will include in my
analysis and inform arguments put forward in my assessment.

Participant # ____

I hereby give my informed consent to participate in this study.


If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact

The different Chinese student’s diet in China and UK in LIC


1. What kind of food did you often eat when you in China (multiple choice) ?
a, Traditional Chinese food(rice or noodles)
b, Vegetables and fruits
c, red meat (beef , lamb ,pork)
d, sea food
e, dessert
2, What kind food do you usually eat now in the UK ( multiple choice) ?
a. Junk food (hamburger, French fries?Fried chicken wings and so on)
b. Ice Cream
c. Hamburger
d. Fresh vegetables
e. Milk and dairy
f. Red meat (beef, lamb, pork)
g. Traditional or homemade Chinese food ?rice ,noodles or soup?
h. Others
3?What is the frequency of Chinese students in LIC take the meals per day ?
a, once b, twice c,3 times d, four times and plus

4, How many times did you usually have meals in China per day ?
a , once b, twice c,3 times d, four times and plus

5,What is the frequency do you eat when you in busy days (dead line or examination) ?
a, once b, twice c,3 times d, four times and more

6,How long did you usually take a meal when you in China ?
a,10-20minutes b, half an hour c, one hour d, more than 2 hours

7,How long do often you take a meal now ?
1,10-20minutes b, half an hour c, one hour d, more than 2 hours

8,How long do you take a meal in busy days (dead line or examination)?
1,10-20minutes b, half an hour c, one hour d, more than 2 hours

9,Where did you usually have a meal in China?
a, home b, restaurant or cafe c, take away d, classroom

10, Where do you usually eat now ?
a, home b, restaurant or café c, take away d, classroom

11,Are you pre-master or foundation ?
a, pre-master b, foundation

12,Are you female or male ?
a, Female b, Male

13,If you have changed your eating habits since coming to the UK please explain why it happened .

Data collection :

Question/choice A B C d e F g
1 111111111111111111111111 11111111111111 1111111111111111 111111111111111 1111111111 1 1
2 1111111111 111111111111 1111111111 111111111111 111111111 11111111111 11111111111111111
3 11 1111111 1111111111111 111
4 1 11111 1111111111111111 1111
5 111 111111111111111 11111111
6 1111 11111111111111 11111 11
7 111111111 11111111111 11 1
8 1111111111111 111111111 11 1
9 1111111111111111111111 111
10 111111111111 1111111111111
11 1111111111111111111111111
12 111111111111111 1111111111

Results from the questionnaire of The different Chinese student’s diet in China and in the UK
Sample size : 2o respondents
Academic qualifications ?pre-master
Male : 10 Female?15
(Gender will use different color in chart ,black as male ,red as females .
Ethnic backgrounds : All participants are Chinese

Question/Choices a b C d e f G
1 24 14 16 15 10 1 1
2 10 12 10 12 9 11 17
3 2 7 13 3
4 1 5 10 4
5 3 9 8
6 4 8 5 2
7 9 11 2 1
8 13 9 2 1
9 22 3
10 12 13
11 25
12 15 10
Gap between the research : Just handed out between the pre-master students not include the foundation students .
Some of the participants did not return my questionnaires(5)
Some of them did not answer them carefully , just in order to finished it . Some data is not validity and reliability .
The females participants over the males .

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