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Topic: Psychology

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Dear Writer once again, thanks for your help with my doctoral project. I just got the marks from chapter 3 and now I am cleared to start chapter 4. Please see following information for chapter 4 guidelines. I need 14 pages plus references

Chapter Four is where the focused findings culled from this project are articulated. They are generally presented by research question.

Theoretical Study
New understandings and insights are developed and explained. An integration of the results into a comprehensive statement that expands upon the original topic and addresses all research questions is presented. Assertions of the findings from the results presented in response to research questions are detailed.

Qualitative Study
Findings or results without discussion are reported. Only the amount of explanation necessary to help the reader understand the basis of the research is included. The interpretation of the research and speculation of the meaning is reserved for Chapter Five. The report of the results or findings must be complete enough for the reader to make an independent judgment about the research.

In your introduction articulate the focus of the results based on your analysis. First a description of the subjects is provided and relevant setting. In most cases results are presented by research question. If they are presented in any other matter, a discussion is needed for how the results are presented in response to the research questions. Next describe how the review will be organized.


Describe the subjects or treatment of the data. This discussion provides the context from which the results were drawn so we know who is represented in the data.
Results Research Question One

Provide context for the discussion. Research Question One asked: and state the question? Remind us of the aim and scope capture the range of possibilities in response to the question using the literature from Chapter Two. From the context provided identify the themes which emerged from the analysis of the data. List the themes here and present in that order.

Theme One

In what ways did the first theme emerge from the data analysis? Maybe there are two or three ways the theme was revealed.

Describe the first occurrence. How many times does the occurrence show up? Or how many individuals indicated the area of focus was important? Regarding xxx, 7 of the 10 subjects highlighted the importance of xxx.
Provide the supporting evidence, quotes, observations, or artifacts. You would need at a minimum of two quotes for each point you make.

Describe the second occurrence.
Provide the supporting evidence, quotes, observations, or artifacts.
Theme Two

In what ways did the first theme emerge from the data analysis? Maybe there are two or three ways the theme was revealed.

Describe the first occurrence. How many times does the occurrence show up? Or how many individuals indicated the area of focus was important? Regarding xxx, 7 of the 10 subjects highlighted the importance of xxx.
Provide the supporting evidence, quotes, observations, or artifacts. You would need at a minimum of two quotes for each point you make.

Describe the second occurrence.
Provide the supporting evidence, quotes, observations, or artifacts.

Research Question One Summary
Articulate how the evidence supports or leads to a particular finding. You will discussion the finding in Chapter Five. Give the evidence direction or meaning.
Results Research Question Two

Provide context for the discussion. Research Question One asked: and state the question? Remind us of the aim and scope capture the range of possibilities in response to the question using the literature from Chapter Two. From the context provided identify the themes which emerged from the analysis of the data. List the themes here and present in that order.

Theme One

In what ways did the first theme emerge from the data analysis? Maybe there are two or three ways the theme was revealed.

Describe the first occurrence. How many times does the occurrence show up? Or how many individuals indicated the area of focus was important? Regarding xxx, 7 of the 10 subjects highlighted the importance of xxx.
Provide the supporting evidence, quotes, observations, or artifacts. You would need at a minimum of two quotes for each point you make.

Describe the second occurrence.
Provide the supporting evidence, quotes, observations, or artifacts.

Theme Two

In what ways did the first theme emerge from the data analysis? Maybe there are two or three ways the theme was revealed.

Describe the first occurrence. How many times does the occurrence show up? Or how many individuals indicated the area of focus was important? Regarding xxx, 7 of the 10 subjects highlighted the importance of xxx.
Provide the supporting evidence, quotes, observations, or artifacts. You would need at a minimum of two quotes for each point you make.

Describe the second occurrence.
Provide the supporting evidence, quotes, observations, or artifacts.

Research Question Two Summary
Articulate how the evidence supports or leads to a particular finding. You will discussion the finding in Chapter Five. Give the evidence direction or meaning.

Begin Chapter 4: Results Section of your Doctoral Project
For a theoretical study, Chapter Four is where the focused findings culled from this project are articulated. Here the new understandings and insights developed from the study are explained. Within this chapter is an integration of the results into a comprehensive statement that expands upon the original topic and addresses all research questions. Assertions of the findings from the results presented in response to research questions are to be expressed.

For a qualitative study, the results section is a collection of what the Learner has discovered after collecting the data. First, report the findings or results without discussion. Include only the amount of explanation necessary to help the reader understand the basis of the research without stating what it means. Reserve for the next chapter (Discussion) the interpretation of the research and speculation of the meaning. The report of the results or findings must be complete enough for the reader to make an independent judgment about the research. Provide enough detail of results from the investigation so the reader can assess the worth of the research. The basic operating principle is that an intelligent reader should be able to use the results, as presented in Chapter Four, to make an informed judgment. Do not withhold anything that would prevent such an informed judgment from being made.
Assignment Outcomes
Critically evaluate and collect research data
Create a logical and comprehensive presentation of results
Scholarly discussion of findings
Recommendations for research associated with current study

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300-500 words and at least 3 sources (2 must be articles from scholarly journals)

For this assignment, you will seek out at least two articles from scholarly journals related to your area of service. This will require searching the resources available through the BHCC library. (It also will require that you have activated your student ID card at the library.)

Apply what you have learned about research methods to your area of service, with attention to the importance of considering worldview and unconscious assumptions. Who is doing the research in this area? What kinds of questions are being asked? What conclusions are being drawn? Do they conflict? Do you think that different questions should be asked or that there may be a better way to design the research? Integrate the information that you found with your experience and write about it in this section.

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For example:

Over fifty million civilians in this country have a disability (Brault, 2012). Approximately 17% of the country’s 21.2 million veterans had a service-connected disability rating in 2012 (National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics, 2013). According to the National Service Inclusion Project nearly one-third of all families in the US are impacted by disability (www.serviceandinclusion.org). Disability is a broad term that encompasses different meanings. The notion of disability is embedded in the context in which it is used and the lens through which it is viewed. The medical model is a deficit model that measures against a psychological and biological norm. Viewed through a social model lens, disability itself is not the issue; it is the subsequent lack of opportunity that is problematic. The social relational model of disability focuses on the interaction between the impairment and environmental and social barriers (Martin, 2013). Adaptive sports address disability through social and social relational lenses.
Interest in adaptive sports for rehabilitation, and even as a treatment modality in its own right, has piqued, especially as more and more veterans return from combat with debilitating psychological and physical wounds (Caddick & Smith, 2014; Lundberg, Bennett, & Smith, 2011; Rogers, Mallinson, & Peppers, 2014). Research indicates that participation in adaptive sports positively impacts participants’ self-esteem, self-concept and self-efficacy (Lundberg, Taniguchi, McCormick, & Tibbs, 2011). Participants perceptions of their quality of life increase as a result of participating in sports (Arslan, 2013; Lundberg, Bennett, & Smith, 2011; Yazicioglu, Yavuz, Goktepe, & Tan, 2012). Surfing is one of many sports that has been adapted so that individuals with challenges can participate.


Arslan, S. (2012). Psychological results of recreative participation for disabled people and its effects
on perception of quality of life. International Journal of Academic Research, 5(6), 23-26. doi: 10.7813/2075-4124.2013/5-6/b.4

Brault, M. W. (2012). Americans with disabilities: 2010. US Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, US Census Bureau.

Caddick, N., & Smith, B. (2014). The impact of sport and physical activity on the well-being of combat veterans: A systematic review. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15(1), 9-18. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2013.09.011

Lundberg, N., Bennett, J., & Smith, S. (2011). Outcomes of adaptive sports and recreation participation among veterans returning from combat with acquired disability. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 45(2), 105-120.

Lundberg, N. R., Taniguchi, S., McCormick, B. P., & Tibbs, C. (2011). Identity negotiating: redefining stigmatized identities through adaptive sports and recreation participation among individuals with a disability. Journal of Leisure Research, 43(2), 205-225.

Martin, J. J. (2013). Benefits and barriers to physical activity for individuals with disabilities: a social-relational model of disability perspective. Disability & Rehabilitation, 35(24), 2030-2037. doi:10.3109/09638288.2013.802377

Rogers, C. M., Mallinson, T., & Peppers, D. (2014). High-intensity sports for posttraumatic stress disorder and depression: Feasibility study of Ocean Therapy with veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68(4), 395-404. doi10.5014/ajot.2014.011221

Yazicioglu, K., Yavuz, F., Goktepe, A. S., & Tan, A. K. (2012). Influence of adapted sports on quality of life and life satisfaction in sport participants and non-sport participants with physical disabilities. Disability and health journal, 5(4), 249-253. doi.org/10.1016/j.dhjo.2012.05.003

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300-500 words and at least 3 sources (2 must be articles from scholarly journals)

For this assignment, you will seek out at least two articles from scholarly journals related to your area of service. This will require searching the resources available through the BHCC library. (It also will require that you have activated your student ID card at the library.)

Apply what you have learned about research methods to your area of service, with attention to the importance of considering worldview and unconscious assumptions. Who is doing the research in this area? What kinds of questions are being asked? What conclusions are being drawn? Do they conflict? Do you think that different questions should be asked or that there may be a better way to design the research? Integrate the information that you found with your experience and write about it in this section.

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For example:

Over fifty million civilians in this country have a disability (Brault, 2012). Approximately 17% of the country’s 21.2 million veterans had a service-connected disability rating in 2012 (National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics, 2013). According to the National Service Inclusion Project nearly one-third of all families in the US are impacted by disability (www.serviceandinclusion.org). Disability is a broad term that encompasses different meanings. The notion of disability is embedded in the context in which it is used and the lens through which it is viewed. The medical model is a deficit model that measures against a psychological and biological norm. Viewed through a social model lens, disability itself is not the issue; it is the subsequent lack of opportunity that is problematic. The social relational model of disability focuses on the interaction between the impairment and environmental and social barriers (Martin, 2013). Adaptive sports address disability through social and social relational lenses.
Interest in adaptive sports for rehabilitation, and even as a treatment modality in its own right, has piqued, especially as more and more veterans return from combat with debilitating psychological and physical wounds (Caddick & Smith, 2014; Lundberg, Bennett, & Smith, 2011; Rogers, Mallinson, & Peppers, 2014). Research indicates that participation in adaptive sports positively impacts participants’ self-esteem, self-concept and self-efficacy (Lundberg, Taniguchi, McCormick, & Tibbs, 2011). Participants perceptions of their quality of life increase as a result of participating in sports (Arslan, 2013; Lundberg, Bennett, & Smith, 2011; Yazicioglu, Yavuz, Goktepe, & Tan, 2012). Surfing is one of many sports that has been adapted so that individuals with challenges can participate.


Arslan, S. (2012). Psychological results of recreative participation for disabled people and its effects
on perception of quality of life. International Journal of Academic Research, 5(6), 23-26. doi: 10.7813/2075-4124.2013/5-6/b.4

Brault, M. W. (2012). Americans with disabilities: 2010. US Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, US Census Bureau.

Caddick, N., & Smith, B. (2014). The impact of sport and physical activity on the well-being of combat veterans: A systematic review. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15(1), 9-18. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2013.09.011

Lundberg, N., Bennett, J., & Smith, S. (2011). Outcomes of adaptive sports and recreation participation among veterans returning from combat with acquired disability. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 45(2), 105-120.

Lundberg, N. R., Taniguchi, S., McCormick, B. P., & Tibbs, C. (2011). Identity negotiating: redefining stigmatized identities through adaptive sports and recreation participation among individuals with a disability. Journal of Leisure Research, 43(2), 205-225.

Martin, J. J. (2013). Benefits and barriers to physical activity for individuals with disabilities: a social-relational model of disability perspective. Disability & Rehabilitation, 35(24), 2030-2037. doi:10.3109/09638288.2013.802377

Rogers, C. M., Mallinson, T., & Peppers, D. (2014). High-intensity sports for posttraumatic stress disorder and depression: Feasibility study of Ocean Therapy with veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68(4), 395-404. doi10.5014/ajot.2014.011221

Yazicioglu, K., Yavuz, F., Goktepe, A. S., & Tan, A. K. (2012). Influence of adapted sports on quality of life and life satisfaction in sport participants and non-sport participants with physical disabilities. Disability and health journal, 5(4), 249-253. doi.org/10.1016/j.dhjo.2012.05.003

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