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Assessment Information Form Example.docxPreview the documentView in a new window This is the example of how to complete one of the assessment information forms. This is an example ONLY – this is not an appropriate assessment for a business setting. This type of assessment is more of a clinical or counseling assessment and is designed to identify psychological/behavioral issues — this is totally unacceptable in a business setting. For this class do not use this assessment or any similar assessment.

Matrix Assessment Information Form Preview the documentView in a new window This is the Assessment Information Form – You will complete five of these forms, save as one document, and submit on the gradebook/assignment link and on the discussion board

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Based on your current and/or future career goals:

Research five assessments you think would be helpful and that you could utilize.
Matrix Assessment Information Form.docxPreview the documentView in a new window Document your research using this form
Assessment Information Form Example.docxPreview the documentView in a new window This is the example of how to complete one of the five assessment matrices. DO NOT use this example or a similar assessment for your assignment.
Introduction: One of the advantages of the internet is that you now have a wealth of information readily available to help as a leader locate assessment resources to (1) help you in your personal and professional development and (2) help you develop those you lead. Depending upon your depth of interest in assessments, you can now easily research enough information, online, to swim to your heart’s contentment or quickly drown in the seemingly endless sea. Blessing or curse is your choice. However, for this assignment you must research assessments and choose five that you think will be useful for you in your career.

For the HDL 675 course, you would normally receive a few guidelines for your research and then you would jump into the sea of information and swim or drown. Because of the compressed timeframe of this summer session, I am limiting your “research sea” so your can quickly both learn and “somewhat enjoy” exploring the assessments available to you.

Research Guidelines

Use google and Wikipedia as your initial source to find assessments and publisher information and their websites. I am providing you some starting links to major assessment publishers for some of the “categories” of assessments listed below. Of course, you are free to swim as far as you like in the “sea of assessments” — just document your assessment choices thoroughly.
2. Use a mix of assessments from the different categories of assessments and publishers.

For five assessments: personality, career, conflict management (think HDL655/COM639), leadership (HDL660), 360 instruments, and other types of assessments listed on this link
Not more than two assessments from the same category
Not more than two assessments from the same publisher
If information is not available to fully complete the Assessment Information form, find another assessment.
3. Be sure to research and find validity and reliability information!

4. Submit the five assessment matrices as one document on

On assignment link on the gradebook by 7/21/2014 at 11:59 am
On discussion link on the Discussion Board by 7/22/2014 at 11:59 am
The discussion board link is under the module for Class 12 – 7/22/2014.

5 Assessment Publishers. The organizations publish assessments in a variety of categories and are a good “starting point” for the below listed “categories of assessments.

Breckenridge Institute www.breckenridgeinstitute.com
CPP, Inc. https://www.cpp.com/en/index.aspx (click on PRODUCTS tab)
Inscape Publishing http://www.internalchange.com/inscape_publishing.htm
Pearson http://www.pearsonclinical.com/talent.html also http://www.pearsonclinical.com/services/solr/search/.api?segmentName=talent&categoryId=45384&requestFrom=categoryLanding&siteContext=ani.clinicalassessment.us.clinicalassessment
Additional Information: There is a worldwide association of test publishers: Association of Test Publishers (http://www.testpublishers.org/our-members). Their member list is a great resource and the list is in this attachment. List of Association of Test Publishers Members.xlsxPreview the documentView in a new window.

Categories of assessments
Personality/Understanding Self/Understanding Others
Majors Personality Type Inventory Breckenridge http://www.breckenridgeinstitute.com/majorspti.htm
Validity and Reliability (

DISC Inscape Publishers https://www.discprofile.com/ (Scroll to bottom of page to see DISC detail links)
Golden Personality Type Profiler Pearson (http://www.pearsonclinical.com/talent/products/100000437/golden-personality-type-profiler.html) NOTE: Link will ask for user login, click cancel to connect). Be sure to scroll slightly to see the assessment details tabs.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator CPP, Inc. https://www.cpp.com/products/mbti/index.aspx
Breckenridge Type Inventory (Enneagan Theory) Breckenridge http://www.breckenridgeinstitute.com/bti.htm

Career Interest
Campbell Interest and Skills Inventory Pearson http://www.pearsonclinical.com/education/products/100000323/campbell-interest-and-skill-survey-ciss.html
Majors Occupational Environment Measure (MajorsOEM™) Breckenridge http://www.breckenridgeinstitute.com/majorsoem-career-profile.htm
Strong Interest Inventory CPP, Inc. https://www.cpp.com/products/strong/index.aspx

Leadership Related Subjects (examples)
Leadership Development Birkman Abilities Inventory Birkman


Leadership Development FIRO CPP, Inc. https://www.cpp.com/products/firo-b/index.aspx
Personal Development Function Skill Development Assessment™ Breckenridge


Decision Making My Thinking Styles Pearson


CPI260 Coaching Report for Leaders CPP, Inc.


Decision Making My Thinking Styles Pearson


Conflict Resolution Thomas Kilmann Conflict Resolution Mode


7. Other links of interest

Wikipedia Category Psychology http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Psychology

http://www.performanceprograms.com/ This link has some valuable and interesting information that will be helpful for your professional and for the personal development projects for this class.


(( You will find two examples of my friends work. Please see the example and do like them ( please no copy because we are in one class. Thanks

Assessment Information Form
State your reason for choosing this assessment in your organization.    To develop potential youth leaders in a non-profit youth organization.
Full name and Acronym of the Assessment:  (example –Majors Personality Type Inventory (Majors PTI)    Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)
Primary source(publisher, vendor, or publication)from which you obtained your information (include name of organization and their website)    Publisher website:www.sdqinfo.org
Publisherof the assessment (this is normally a company/organization)
Publisher’s website
Goodman, LLC
Author of the Assessment (normally this a person and is not the publisher)    Robert N Goodman, Ph.D.(Psychiatrist)
United Kingdom
Description of Assessment
A brief behavioral screening questionnaire for youth ages 3 to 16.  It is designed to be used by researchers, clinicians and in the educational settings.  The SDQ assesses psychological attributes, some positive and others negative.
Type of Assessment (cognitive, motivation,
Personality, behavioral, culture, survey, etc)    Behavioral
What the assessment measures (usually found on the publisher’s website)    Emotional Symptoms, Conduct Problems, Hyperactivity/Inattention, Peer Relationship Problems, and Pro-social Behavior
Number of items in assessment    25 items
Types of Organizations in which this assessment is Utilized
Counseling( individuals, groups, etc.)
Educational (schools, colleges, universities, etc.)
Government agencies and military
Healthcare and social service
Non-profit organizations
Religious organizations
Other: ___________________    Counseling, healthcare, social service
Appropriate for What Age Levels    Youth ages 3 to 16
Reading Level of the Assessment    Unavailable (ref web sitehttps://cyfernetsearch.org/sites
How long it takes to complete the assessment    Approximately 10 minutes
Administration of theAssessment:
(1) Online, (2)  Manual,
(3) Both online and manual (paper/pencil)    (3) Both online and manual (paper/pencil)
Cost of Assessment (“minimal” is not a price)    This is available without charge for non-profit organizations that do not make any charge to families. All others contact publisher
Number of Pages in the Report    1 page
Link to Sample Report(Website/URL)    www.sdqinfo.org
Link to take the assessment(Website/URL).
(Must be included if this is a free assessment)    www.sdqinfo.org
Validity–(this is found on the publisher’s site) must be included. If validity data is unavailable you must choose another assessment.    The self-report SDQ has been shown to adequately discriminate between clinical and community populations and has been shown to identify individuals with psychiatric diagnoses with a high degree of specificity.
Correlations between parent, teacher, and self-report SDQs are Moderate and compare favorably to the correlations of other cross-informant measures.
Identify two thirds of psychiatric disorders in the community, sensitive
to treatment effects, reliable
o Internal consistency (Mean Cronbacha: 0.73)
o Test-retest reliability (after 4-6 months mean: 0.62)
o Cross Informant reliability (mean 0.34) above meta-analytic mean of Achenbach
Reliability-(this is found on the publisher’s site) must be included. If reliability data is unavailable you must choose another assessment.    Internal:.60-.69
Norm Group (on what group of people was the instrument tested to establish validity and reliability)    (For USA) The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) is a multi-purpose health survey conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and is the principal source of information on the health of the civilian, non-institutionalized, household population of the United States. The survey consists of a basic module and variable supplements. The SDQ was included in the 2001 NHIS Supplement. From each family in the NHIS, one sample adult and one sample child (if any children under age 18 are present) are randomly selected. Information on the sample child was obtained from a knowledgeable adult residing in the household. Of the 10,367 children between 4 and 17 in the survey, 9,878 children had complete data on all sections of the SDQ, and this is the sample used in the analyses presented here. A parent (biologic, adoptive, or step) was a reporter for 92% of the SDQ sample. A grandparent was the reporter for 4.4%.
Date of Last Norming    2001 in The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS),  a multi-purpose health survey conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and is the principal source of information on the health of the civilian, non-institutionalized, household population of the United States.
Qualifications for administratorto use and interpret the assessment  – what are the requirements to administer the assessment (Level of education or specific training)    Researchers, clinicians, counselors, and educators who are educationally trained in behavioral screening
Research by (your name):    Hard Working Student

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Order Description
Write 800-1000 words. Without making any reference to the film “The Matrix”, use the essay from Matrix and Philosophy entitled “Real Genre…” by Knight and McKnight to state and explicate, in a way that clarifies main ideas, how popular, contemporary works of science fiction are typically not pure or singular in genre, but are rather works of hybrid-form or so-called “mixed genre”. This part of the essay should be 350-400 words and demonstrate both relevance to the assignment and reading comprehension. Once this is complete, answer this next question: What are the second (not first) genres of “Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan” and “Which Planet Are You From”, because of which both films are truly mixed genre films? For both films, show this by discussing elements such as statements, scenes and/or themes that demonstrate a second genre at work.
Source: “Real Genre and Virtual Philosophy by Deborah Knight and Goerge McKnight” from the book called “The Matrix and Philosophy edited by William Irwin”
Guidelines (points deducted for multiple violations of the following rules):

1. Papers typed and double-spaced with normal margins and 11 or 12 point font
2. Do not use a cover page or cover of any kind. Put your name, word-count, date, and paper title in the top left corner of the paper.
3. An essential preparatory step is to first reread (review) the relevant works before you start. With the questions in mind, mark relevant passages to include in your essays.
4. Answer the entire stated questions with the appropriate focus on the main issues.
5. Don’t be narrative driven or chronological in treating texts from beginning to end.
6. Use reviews and plot summaries from the internet as needed, but do cite sources correctly.
7. For citations, in-text references are sufficient. When quoting, use quotation marks
8. For in-text citation, page numbers go in parentheses after quotation marks, not within.
9. Take care of your sentences. Proofread and edit for grammar, flow, and coherence.
10. Use pronouns correctly. Avoid use of “this” and “that” if references are vague
11. Don’t quote without explication and don’t exceed 20 words for any one quotation.
12. Use basic structure of introduction, body, and conclusion
13. Introduction should indicate knowledge of essay-specifics, not just vague generalizations.

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Order Description
Write 800-1000 words. Without making any reference to the film “The Matrix”, use the essay from Matrix and Philosophy entitled “Real Genre…” by Knight and McKnight to state and explicate, in a way that clarifies main ideas, how popular, contemporary works of science fiction are typically not pure or singular in genre, but are rather works of hybrid-form or so-called “mixed genre”. This part of the essay should be 350-400 words and demonstrate both relevance to the assignment and reading comprehension. Once this is complete, answer this next question: What are the second (not first) genres of “Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan” and “Which Planet Are You From”, because of which both films are truly mixed genre films? For both films, show this by discussing elements such as statements, scenes and/or themes that demonstrate a second genre at work.
Source: “Real Genre and Virtual Philosophy by Deborah Knight and Goerge McKnight” from the book called “The Matrix and Philosophy edited by William Irwin”
Guidelines (points deducted for multiple violations of the following rules):

1. Papers typed and double-spaced with normal margins and 11 or 12 point font
2. Do not use a cover page or cover of any kind. Put your name, word-count, date, and paper title in the top left corner of the paper.
3. An essential preparatory step is to first reread (review) the relevant works before you start. With the questions in mind, mark relevant passages to include in your essays.
4. Answer the entire stated questions with the appropriate focus on the main issues.
5. Don’t be narrative driven or chronological in treating texts from beginning to end.
6. Use reviews and plot summaries from the internet as needed, but do cite sources correctly.
7. For citations, in-text references are sufficient. When quoting, use quotation marks
8. For in-text citation, page numbers go in parentheses after quotation marks, not within.
9. Take care of your sentences. Proofread and edit for grammar, flow, and coherence.
10. Use pronouns correctly. Avoid use of “this” and “that” if references are vague
11. Don’t quote without explication and don’t exceed 20 words for any one quotation.
12. Use basic structure of introduction, body, and conclusion
13. Introduction should indicate knowledge of essay-specifics, not just vague generalizations.

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