World Arts: Africa, Oceania, the Americas is the books name please source everythng because tunreitin is used When young Mende women become members of Sande they go through three stages of initiation: a) separation- they are separated from their families, normal lives, and childhood b) transition- they are emotionally, intellectually, and physically transformed c) incorporation- they are incorporated back into society as full-fledged adults. 1. Choose one of these stages and identify the role that the Sowei masker plays in that state according to the reading. 2. Then choose a rite of passage that you are familiar with that requires the same ritual structure (separation, transition, incorporation). Describe it. Why do you suppose these stages are necessary for a successful initiation? -. One-two pages, typed, double spaced, 12 pt. font, works cited/bibliography page, using Chicago style format.