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1. Are there any other examples of famous projects that have failed because of relatively simple errors?(Hubble, Mars probes) Were these transmission errors or simply data and calculation errors? 2. Are LANs a stable technology or are they changing just as quickly as other forms of communication technologies?

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Information Technology

Assignment: write a 1,500-word argument which supports a claim of fact, policy, or
value. This essay can utilize the same topic as the informative essay or you can select a
new one. The only topic that is off-limits is abortion.
A claim of fact attempts to prove that something once happened, is happening or will
happen. It often doesn’t seem like an argument because it doesn’t seem debatable. But
attempting to prove something happened, is happening or will happen is not easy for
many subjects.
A claim of policy targets an organization (the U.S. government, the state of Oklahoma,
Major League Baseball, etc.) and proposes a new policy, amends an existing policy, or
seeks to abolish an existing policy. You may use the problem you explored in the
informative essay and now solve it. You can also use some of the same sources. The need
to support your claim will require you to alter the essay significantly from the
informative version.
I usually don’t approve claims of value in comp II because not many students can
recognize that a value argument requires the same amount of support as the other two
types of claims. Many people see this type as just one person’s opinion. In many ways, it
is but it becomes an argument if it provides an ample amount of support to make the
claim persuasive.
Remember, a claim is nothing without the support to back it up and make it valid. You
won’t be simply expressing your view here. You will be trying to persuade a hostile or
neutral audience of the legitimacy of your claim.
Format: the paper should be no less than 1,500 words in length and no more than 2,500
words. This word count does not include the list of sources provided through the
documentation or the target audience description. Students will document use of all
sources, including paraphrased statements and quotations, using MLA or APA style of
A minimum of seven sources must be cited. Title pages are not required. Students
should provide Name, ENG 1213, Instructor’s Name, and the date as heading in the right
or left corner of page one. Skip two lines and center a title. Number all pages after the
first. Establish one-inch margins. Double-space the essay.

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