Academic integrity is a vital part of being a member of the BGSU Learning Community. As a BGSU student, it is your responsibility to learn about academic integrity and complete your student work accordingly. In preparation for completing our assignment about the BGSU Code of Academic Conduct, be sure to: Individually read the BGSU Code of Academic Conduct found in the 2014-15 BGSU Student Handbook at (Links to an external site.).Click on the Student Handbook link
find The Code of Academic Conduct
Click on the link academic dishonesty pdf. Be sure to read all the pages and review the chart at the end.
You will be writing an essay that addresses the following for each of the 6 scenarios listed below: (6 total essays)Explain the definition of the academic honesty violation
Explain why the case demonstrates an academic honesty violation.
Identify the consequences at BGSU (based on our Academic Code) for those involved in the case.
Identify alternative behaviors/actions (other than academic dishonesty) they couldve chosen, to resolve the situation in the case. These would be behaviors you could suggest they try instead of behaviors that result in academic dishonestyThese are basically 6 short essays (2-4 paragraphs) with an opening and closing sentence(s). Included within the essay is your analization of each scenario we gave you and your opinion on how the scenario shows how the student broke one of our academic honesty policies. In this particular assignment we already know the scenario is breaking a policy here at BGSU. So there is no need for a counterargument, just your opinion on how they broke the policy. Dont forget to answer each bullet presented in these instructions (above) within your essay.************************************************************************************************************************************************Case 1: Cheating CaseJoe is trying to figure out a topic for a paper that is due in two hours for his Technology and Civilization course. Joe doesnt care much about this general education course. Last year, he wrote a paper for his Popular Culture course based on the same topic. His friend Paul stops by and suggests that Joe save time and stress by simply reusing the paper from last years Popular Culture course.Case 2: Forgery CaseSams business course has a team project. As part of the project, the team must write a team contract and turn in hard copy at the start of class on Monday. The team contract must be signed by all team members demonstrating agreement with the terms of the contract. Sam met with the rest of the team over the weekend to draft the contract terms. However, Sam is not in class the Monday it is due and did not sign the final copy to be handed in to the instructor. Kallie wants to help Sam out and be sure he and the rest of the team get a good grade on the contract so she signs his name on the contract and turns the assignment in to the instructor.Case 3: Bribery CaseSue is having a pretty rough semester. She believes she took on a few too many credit hours, and spends more time writing papers and studying for exams than any of her friends. She decides to ask John, a classmate, to write an English paper for her. John is an excellent writer and has plenty of time to complete it. John agrees to write the paper. Sue stops by Johns apartment to pick up the paper and gives him $50. Now Sue can hang out with her friends at a birthday party instead of staying home to write the paper.Case 4: Fabrication CaseIts midnight and Jim has not distributed his surveys that are due in his Marketing Research class at 11:30 a.m. He goes down the hall to Pete and Bobs dorm room to ask their help. Jim convinces his friends to complete 10 surveys each and he will find someone else to do the other 10 surveys. In return for their help, Jim agrees to complete the surveys for Pete when he takes the same course next semester. Pete and Bob agree to complete the surveys and slide them under Jims door before his class the next day.Case 5: Plagiarism CaseJohn doesnt want to write a paper for his Philosophy class. So, he decides to Google papers online for his specific topic. He finds a paper to print and submit as his own. He rationalizes that using the paper found on-line is acceptable since he was the one that actually searched and found it. He is confident that the teacher will never find out he didnt write the paper himself.Case 6: Facilitating Academic Dishonesty CaseMegan is having a difficult time writing an important memo for her business course. She is not certain how to respond the questions regarding customer value, segmentation, and target marketing. Katie is in the same course and lives on Megans floor in the dorm. Megan asks Katie to see her memo to get an idea how Katie responded to the questions. Megan promises ot to copy. Katie wants to be helpful so she gives Megan her completed memo. Megan proceeds to copy Katies answers changing a few words in some sentences.
Academic Integrity