Order DescriptionMalnutrition Among Children Under Five in Egypt, Causes, Health Risks, Challenges and Proposed Interventions (3000 words Essay)Introduction: 150 words ( provide information about the burden of under five child malnutrition and clearly state whats the essay will discuss) Body main ideas: 1. Major causes of malnutrition in children under five, e.g., unhealthy household environment, household food insecurity, inadequate health services, poverty, weak governance, maternal undernutrition ( you dont have to write about all of these causes choose the most causes , however all the causes have to relate to children in Egypt not where else). 2. Health risks and effect of child malnutrition 3. Challenges to address the issue of child malnutrition in Egypt 4. Appropriate intervention to child malnutrition: Early and Exclusive Breastfeeding Pregnancy, Maternal and Child supplement Maternal Healthcare Access Situation-specific Household Food Security interventions Conclusion (150words, brief sum up of the body content)
Malnutrition Academic Essay