Essay Rubric (Drama Paper)The essay should be (approximately) between 1,200 and 2,500 words.Structuring An Essay in Drama Critique:1 Introduction: this should announce the theme or topic in general (i.e. which question you have chosen from the options at the end of this document.)You may begin with the PERSONAL reasons for choosing the above.
But once the topic is expressed, you should hone in-wards, towards the end of this opening introductory paragraph, with your THESIS: which is to say, what aspect(s) and perspectives on the more general topic you will be arguing for.2 Given the requisite length of this paper, you should have between 4 and 6 body paragraphs, which act as proof/evidence of your thesis.a) each paragraph should be one complete(d) unity of thought or purposive ANALYSIS. And by purposive I mean that each bit of technical/objective analysis (say, for instance: regarding repeated theme or use and purpose of backstory) should have a purpose, i.e. provide the objective evidence of and for your subjective intentions (in other words: your argument(s) in proof of your thesis)b) the body paragraphs may follow a consequential pattern: which means each paragraph leading to the next, each one a development of the previous one: each unit of thought/paragraph BUILDING ON THE PREVIOUS ONE.OR,they may be parallel INSTANTIATIONS (examples) of the thesis:which means each paragraph will use a different aspect of the stories under discussion to prove the SAME THESIS, but in different ways across the space of the essay3 CONCLUSION: this should sum up the content of your arguments and how they lead to and PROVE your THESIS. But its always best to both sum-up what youve shown, as well as add a LAST thought which is both IN-LINE with the summation and POINTS BEYOND THE AREA of your ESSAY.IN other words: while the INTRODUCTION AND CONCLUSION do similar things, at either end of the essay, its best to make them DIFFERENT VERSIONS of the content, RATHER THAN a MERE DUPLICATE OR REPETITION.Like a good story, a good essay is coherent, but ALSO allows the reader to think-on beyond the last line.Grading Rubric: This paper is worth 20% of your overall grade.5 %: allotted to the interestingness or individuality of your thesis and (thus) evident engagement with the material.
5%: allotted for the formal coherence of the essay through introduction, middle and end
10%: allotted to the skill with which the thesis is PROVEN: via objective/technical analysis.You are to CHOOSE 1 of the followingEssay Questions:Discuss the similarities and/or differences of two tragic characters ( Antigone).
Discuss the similarities and/or differences of two tragic characters ( Antigone).
August 8th, 2017 admin