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Could it be the role of the dominant religion of the country?

The aim of this assignment is to expose learners to the information offered by the Canadian Centre for Inter-Cultural Learning and apply this information to the ideas of Fons Trompenaars.
Instructor CommentsWhen completing these assignments do consider that Kwintessential.com and the Centre for Inter-Cultural Learning websites offer fairly comprehensive insight into national cultures. Based on these insights consider the similarities and difference between Holland and France and then think about Malaysia and Pakistan. The dominant religion in both of these latter two countries in Islam. Despite being separated geographically by thousands of miles, do the cultures of these two countries appear more similar then France and Holland, two countries that share a border?Although the role of religion has not been the focus of this course, it is important. At this point, you will be completing your seventh assignment. Think back on the countries whose cultures you have studied. Aside from the ideas of Trompenaars and Hofstede, is there another important dimension at play? Could it be the role of the dominant religion of the country? In your mind is there a connection? Although not the subject of this or the following assignments, it is worth considering.
AssignmentThis assignment seeks to help you understand the answer to a broader concern and that is, How might the ideas of Fons Trompenaars be applied in real life? You should base your responses to the following questions on the country cultural descriptions found on the website of the Canadian Centre for Inter Cultural Learning and the National Cultural Profiles found on the Telegraph.co.uk website.In order to complete the assignment, please recall that Trompenaars defines a national culture in terms of seven dimensions: achievement vs. ascription, individualism vs. collectivism, internal vs. external, neutral vs. emotional, specific vs. diffuse, time orientation, and universalism vs. particularism.Please base your responses to the following questions on your analysis of the article and the series of websites noted below.Fons Trompenaars Trade Culture Dimensions.http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/seven-dimensions.htmFons Trompenaars and Peter Wooliams: A new framework for managing change across cultures, Journal of Change Management 2003 3(4) 361 375Country Insights found on Center for Inter-Cultural Learning website.http://www.intercultures.ca/cil-cai/countryinsights-apercuspays-eng.aspCountry Etiquette Guides found on Kwintessentials website.http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/resources/country-profiles.html and http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/etiquette/doing-business-in.htmlPlease complete the following exercises:To the best of your ability please briefly describe the national culture of Singapore using Trompenaars seven cultural dimensions.To the best of your ability please briefly describe the national culture of Sweden using Trompenaars seven cultural dimensions.To the best of your ability please briefly describe the national culture of Egypt using Trompenaars seven cultural dimensions.To the best of your ability please briefly describe the national culture of India using Trompenaars seven cultural dimensions.Hint: Please look carefully at the descriptions of the inter-cultural issues and the thinking patterns. This should help the matching exercise.Please limit your response to this assignment to three single spaced, typed pages. Please cite your sources in the text and please reference them at the end of your assignment. Please end your write-up with one paragraph that summarizes what you think is the importance of this assignmen

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