Unit 1: Module 1 – M1 Assignment 1 Discussion
Module 1 Assignment 1: Course Project Task IResearch Topicand Preliminary QuestionsSince you devote a lot of time to your research, it is important to select a topic of such personal interest that you will really enjoy working on it. However, choosing a topic is not that simple.Supplemental handouts are provided in Doc Sharing for M1 A1, with ideas about research topics and research questions. Each provides a different perspective that may be useful, in addition to the assigned reading in your texts. As Fink (2010) has suggested, thinking of potential research questions around your research topic very early gives you the opportunity to focus on the key words generated the questions you frame. These can help as you begin your database search in M2.A1. In addition, focusing your research topic area around potential questions may help you better understand possible relationships among variables where you might focus your research interest. As you begin to think more this way, consider wording your questions within a context like the following example: “What are the potential relationships between—- and —-?The idea of framing questions in this relational, scientific way is highlighted, especially in theDoc Sharingarticle, “Generating and Developing Research Questions.”The following are additional guidingideas for you to consider:Potential relational questionsto help you focus your topic and enhance your preliminary keyword search:Think of your topic in terms of preliminary questions that you want answered about the topic.Educational significance of your topic:Examine the expected impact or significance of your study in your field of study or the potential significance of what you hope to add to the scholarly literature. [Note: you should use conditional verb formsThe resultsmaylead to a better understanding of the adolescent learner.]Background / Need for the Study:The background is the context of the problem that you have chosen to study and is one way to demonstrate that your study has attracted/will attract the attention of the educational research community. State the background of your topic in one or two paragraphs.Reason forinterest in this topic. Specific aspects of the topicyou would like to pursue:In what ways could this topic be limited so it would be a manageable topic to research? For example, it would be too broad to explore the leadership styles of all high school principals whose high schools had graduates who entered colleges or universities.ByThursday, November 3, 2016, submit your research topic to theDiscussion Area directly into the forum, and not as an attachment.Read the topics submitted by your peers. Offer your own assessments of their submissions. Provide balanced feedback, describing the strengths and weaknesses of their submissions. Make suggestions for improvements so your peers can develop and refine their work.You will receive feedback from your peers and facilitator concerning your research topic.Please make sure you review the elements of the grading criteria and associated points carefully and make sure your assignment has addressed all the elements and in enough detail to merit full points.Assignment1 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsStated a doable research topic and at least2 potential questions using the relational model highlighted above and discussed in the handout in DocSharing.6Explained the context of the stated research including the reason for your interest in the topic, the importance of the topic, and your suggestions on making the research topic manageable8Identified and stated at least4 potential keywords from the proposed research questions (keywords should be derived from the variables in your research questions)that could be used for the database search in Module 2 4Provided thoughtful feedback on a minimum of three of your peer submissions using thegrading criteria.6Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.8Total:32For assistance with any problems you may have when completing this assignmentORto offer your assistance to classmates, please use theProblems and Solutions Discussionarea located through the left side navigation link. Use theRespondlink to post responses and materials that pertain to this assignment. Use theRespondlink beneath any existing postings to respond to them.
Research Topic Discussion
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