WRITE a paper (at least 750 words) on a Innovative Nursing Care Delivery Model. Read the two (2) articles below: Norlander, L. (Ed.). (2011). Transformational models of nursing across different care settings. Report: The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health (Appendix G). Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine. (CLICK on PDF file: TRANSFORMATIONAL NURSING MODELS) NOTE: For this assignment, ignore curriculi/nurse education models Hughes, F. (2006). Nurses at the forefront of innovation. International Nursing Review, 53, 94-101. (CLICK on PDF file: NURSING PRACTICE INNOVATIONS) Baccalaureate-prepared nurses are expected to function as managers, educators, collaborators, advocates, and leaders within a variety of settings. These articles describe a variety of innovative or transformational models in nurse-managed care across various care settings. For this paper, you will develop an innovative nursing care delivery model for a vulnerable population, care specialty, and setting in the United States OR a low income global country that reflects nurse managed care, collaboration, care across settings, and technology. For your paper, it is easiest to focus on one (1) population, one (1) health issue/disease, and one (1) type of setting within a country. Be specific. If you use a low income country, name your low income country (see list in module 1) and adjust your model to the disease(s) and conditions found within that country. Consider that low income countries will not have access to the same level of facilities, technology related to diagnostics and communication, medications, and the health care professionals found in the U.S. A vulnerable population can include low income children & adults; elderly; homeless; migrants; immigrants; racial & ethnic minorities, people with chronic health or terminal conditions/diseases (or any group at risk for obtaining appropriate health care). A care specialty can include preventative care; primary care; acute care; chronic care; palliative or end-of-life care (including the targeting of any disease or condition that results in a health risk). A setting can include rural or urban community housing and/or clinic; school; specialty unit in a hospital; emergency room; health provider office; armed services facility; rehabilitation facility; hospice facility; ambulatory health care center; client home; nursing home; short term stay housing (or any setting where a vulnerable client/patient population is available for care). a) Content of paper: Title of Paper (top of page 2, centered) Innovative Nursing Care Delivery: [Name of Your Model] PAPER HEADING: Introduction [Level 1] What is your models population, setting, care specialty, and your models goal(s) and/or purpose(s)? For example, are you targeting a particular group or disease/condition? Choose a name for your model and include it in your paper title. PAPER HEADING: Description of the [Name of Your Model] [Level 2] You are welcome to use your creativity in the modeldevelop your own or base it on an existing model. For ideas, start with the articles found with the assignment, textbook (Global Health 101) scenarios, or do literature searches on the internet. However, be sure that the model is nurse-led or nurse-managed. Registered nurses have authority to make decisions regarding nursing diagnoses, interventions, and referrals. Registered nurse practitioners have additional authority related to medical diagnoses and interventions (prescriptions). Be sure to include the themes crucial to meeting the challenges of the future: nursemanaged care, collaboration, continuity of care and technology in describing your model. Be aware of cost-effectiveness; you could develop the Cadillac of models, but no one would consider implementing it because the cost would be too high. Nurse led and nurse managed health care. [Level 3] How is your model nurse managed? Were nurses instrumental in the development and implementation of your model? Are nurses consulted and/or make decisions re: budget, personnel, and the communication, referral, and evaluation processes? Partnerships and collaboration. [Level 3] What partnerships and collaborations exist for your model? Are they at the professional level (i.e., social workers, nutritionists, community leaders) and/or the organizational level (home health care agencies, public health departments, hospitals)? Continuity of care across settings. [Level 3] What happens when a patient/client moves to a different setting, i.e., home, hospital, hospice, clinic, emergency room, etc. How is communication handled so the patient/family needs are consistently met when moved across setting
What happens when a patient/client moves to a different setting, i.e., home, hospital, hospice, clinic, emergency room, etc