1.You are an analyst for aninvestment firm. You are facing a difficult client who recently lost a substantial part of his portfolio because of a stock market downturn and he is worried about his present holdings of a stock X (select a company that you like but stay away from big multinationals like Apple, IBM, Google, etc.).Use public data to complete a fundamental analysis of this stock (your choice) and provide a two-year recommendation to your client (buy, hold or sell).(6-8 pages maximum)2.You are a speculative technical trader working for an investment firm.Your supervisor wants to assess your skills before sending you to the head office in Chicago (with a large salary increase!). He deposits $100,000 (or AED 400,000, depending on the market you select) in your trading account to complete at least 3 trades using three technique(s) or classical patterns of your choice (same stock or different ones, as you wish!).Create and execute the trading system and provide the following:
Fundamental Analysis and Technical Analysis
August 8th, 2017 admin