19th Century American Art Book Report: Citizen spectatorPlease do a book report on Citizen spectator: art, illusion, and visual perception in early national America by Wendy Bellion. Follow the attached instruction provided by the professor.
In addition, here are some sources on writing a book report: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/704/1/Ive also attached some sample book reviews on a variety of subjects to give you a sense of how to approach this.***PLEASE ACTUALLY READ THE BOOK***Remember this is a book review. It is about the book, and how the author creates the BOOK. When writing your review remember you are not writing history, you are writing CRITICISM. So do not get lost in retelling about the history that the book is dealing with. You are summarizing and ENGAGING with the BOOK not the TOPIC or SUBJECT of the book.
19th Century American Art Book Report: Citizen spectator