English 101 (Fall 2016); Section: 101 E & K; Course Instructor: Laura Sweeney Instructions for Essay #2 Division/Classification This assignment requires you to take the division/classification skills and composition knowledge you have gained to date and apply it to an aspect of your family history: childhood, marriage, occupation, military service, immigration, religion, political activity, etc. Division/Classification asks you to either take an idea (an aspect of family history) and group it into categories, or separate it into parts. You will interview a family member and then analyze your data using a secondary source. Use quotes, summary, and paraphrasing from both the interview and the secondary source to support your argument. Be sure to make the connection as to the significance of your division/classification. Prompt: You must follow all of these steps for this assignment. a.Since this assignment deals with family, you need to think of a question or topic you would like to address surrounding issues of family. Make sure it is a simple question or topic. Avoid something about your family history about which you are already aware. b.Imagine that you are addressing a broad academic audience, which includes scholars who have never been to the Deep South before. Your purpose is to conduct research on one aspect of your family history and provide a short essay of your discoveries. You will use a secondary source to analyze your interview data. You must cite this source. c.Select one person with the goal of seeing what you can learn from them about one aspect of your family history. Take careful notes of your surroundings, interactions, observations, reactions and anything that surprises you. You may want to prepare key questions ahead of time to assist your interview. Note how the interview impacts your relationship and understanding of your family. Look for instances of conflict/oppression. Required: All required parts of the assignment must be turned in to receive a grade. A 3-4page polished essay in MLA format (see Purdue OWL for tips) Brief biographical description of your family member and transcribed interview Rough draft with peer review comments Works Cited page, citing selected article(s) Essay #2 Instructor Rubric, with the name/title/due date/date turned in completed Be sure that your paper is well-organized, takes a strong position, illustrates your position with examples, and is rich with description. Attend to: title; introduction/conclusion; opening/closing lines; coherent sentence structure; diction & syntax; paragraph cohesion. Offer a brief explanation of why you selected the aspect of family history you are investigating. Incorporate interview data, with analysis using your secondary source. You may select from one of two articles to assist your analysis: King, Jr., Martin Luther, Three Ways of Meeting Oppression (English 101 eReader) Young, Iris Marion, 2005, Five Faces of Oppression (Google Scholar: Essays
Segregation. Academic Essay