IT Leaders Chapter 8 Read Chapter 8 ONLY of book *Adventures of an IT Leader by Richard L. Nolan, Robert D. Austin, and Shannon ODonnell* Answer these questions. in 2-4 sentences.1. Why does IT have slush funds? Is there a better way to handle the issues involved? 2. One classification of IT-based work has four categories as shown below. Which of these best fits the potential security issue? How does it fit with Geislers classification of projects near the end of the chapter? -Business Projects -IT Operations -Rework -Unplanned work 3. Barton decides that discussions on the potential security issue should be kept largely unwritten. Is this a good idea? Is it ethical? 4. What do you think of the solution that Volkswagen of America came up with to handle project prioritization? 5. Was it good idea for Barton to ask for budget control even when Maggie advised otherwise?
IT Leaders Academic Essay