Intersections of Oppression Over the past few weeks, we have examined how inequality on the basis of race, class, and sex/gender and sexuality is maintained. The following questions ask you to examine how these forms of stratification are interconnected. Select one institution (e.g., education, family, the state, media) and discuss how it functions as a mechanism for maintaining inequality on the basis of race, class, and sex/gender and sexuality. Reflecting on your discussion above, what do you see in common between the various forms of inequality? For example, do you see common mechanisms for keeping Native Americans in a subordinate position to whites and for keeping women in a subordinate position to men? Draw as many connections as possible, being certain to thoroughly support your assertions. What do you see as ways of combating these common mechanisms? Provide specific suggestions and discuss the implications of implementing your ideas (e.g., what would implementing equality for all do to the advantage experienced by those currently in the advantaged groups?).Assignment will be graded on the following factors:ThoughtLogical reasoningGrammarFormat: One page, double-spaced, 12 pt. Arial or Times New Roman font: Essays
Intersections of Oppression Academic Essay
August 8th, 2017 admin