A1: Reading/Discussion Questions Assignment 1Order Description
COURSE: PHI2010Each answer to each question should be at least 4 SENTENCES or more. Answers may come from only two sources, your textbook (ISBN:9781465274687) and your mind.Be sure to use standard English grammar and spelling.1.Explain some of the benefits a student may gain by studying philosophy.
2.Explain the Socratic Method of Teaching. Is this a useful way for students to learn?.
3.Explain how critical thinking can be used to analyze a philosophical issue.
4.Compare and contrast induction, abduction, and deduction.
5.Explain some of different areas of philosophy which will be discussed in this course.
6.Compare and contrast various views on substance such as materialism, dualism and idealism.
7.Evaluate the 4 views as to the nature of universals and particulars.
8.Explain and evaluate the views of Anaximander regarding the nature of substance.
9.Explain and evaluate the views of Pythagoras regarding the nature of substance.
10.Explain Aristotles 4 causes.
11. Compare and contrast rationalism and empiricism.
12.Explain the difference between A priori and A posteriori knowledge.
13.Compare and contrast Foundationalism and Coherentism.
14.Compare and contrast pragmatic theories of truth with the correspondence theory of truth..
15.What are some of the implications of Gdels Theorem?
16. For a moment assume that Descartes argument works in proving Gods existence, does the ultimate conclusion follow as stated in premise 6? Can Descartes be certain
that God would not allow an evil demon or computer to systematically deceive humanity? Maybe God has a reason, or needs to teach humanity a lesson. Answer question 16,
in one paragraph as well.
Reading/Discussion Questions Assignment 1