Black Soul animation reflection
name: Black Soulmade by: Martine Chartrandyear: 2000link to animation: write about how morphing transitions create meaning in this animation.
click the link watch this animation. for the Paper Do not describe the film but express your opinion about it. Consider how technique creates content. Make sure to no just make statements, but to make an argument for your ideas.Reaction Paper Guidelines for History of Animation
-two pages, approximately 500 words, double spaced.
-Write in the first person.
-All your papers should include the following at the top:
Your Name:
Title of work you are reaction to:
Creator of the work:
Year it was made:
Always introduce your reaction with a brief statement about what you watched, and who made it, even though the information is at the top.
Give a brief description of what the work is about. Try to sum up what a film is about in one sentence in your introduction.
Here are some things to consider when looking at work and writing a reaction that you may find useful. Please do not think of this as a checklist. Only discuss these aspects of the film if they are relevant. This is really just to help jumpstart you if you are really stuck or trying to comprehend a more challenging piece of work.
What did you see/ hear?
What kind of imagery does the filmmaker use and how does it affect what they are trying to say?
Are there historical events that are reflected in the film, either overtly or as subtext?
Is there an overlying mood to the film?
How is sound and/or music used? Is it merely functional or different from the image on screen. Does it contrast or compliment the imagery?
What do you think the filmmaker is trying to say is it obvious or open to varied interpretation?
How does the filmmaker use color, light, or texture?
How does the technique support the aesthetic or theme of the work? (Imagine what it would look like animated in a different technique. Does it have the same impact?)
How to avoid unintentional B.S.:
-Always put the film in historical context.
Remember this is not a review. Whether or not you liked the film is irrevelant to the process for now.
-If in doubt, it is always better to write something short and concise than something padded out for the sake of reaching 500 words. But if youre coming up really short, say 300 350 words, you are probably missing something. Keep digging.
Be specific! Cite any details, plot turns or techniques that stood out and discuss them. Avoid platitudes such as The characters showed a lot of emotion., or worse, The animators were very creative. (I swear Im not making these up. Ive really seen them in papers.) These are vague statements. The biggest problem with papers in general is that they are often too vague.
-Never, ever, describe something only as interesting. Brain surgery is interesting. So is the Virgin Marys face on a piece of toast. Surreal is also one of those words thats been beaten to death and has lost its meaning.
Dont dismiss something by saying I didnt understand it. This is not a free pass. Saying that means you didnt do the work. If you write about specific aspects of the film it will help. Chances are there will be multiple interpretations.
-If you are unsure of something please run it by me and I will gladly give you feedback. The goal of the papers is to make your writing better by developing a better understanding of the work.
-Check your textbook when referring to any technological advances. Confusing them means a deduction of points. Make sure you understand how something worked before writing about it. There is a glossary of terms on D2L under Documents.
-Always back up your opinion with a clear and reasoned answer. Remember that your opinion is OK in small doses, but should not constitute the bulk of the paper.
Example for Statement: This is a cool animation, I like it.
Example for an Argument: In addition to being funny, Steamboat itchy is interesting to me because of how it refers to the history of animation by utilizing Steamboat Willie as the model.
Black Soul animation reflection