Evaluation Criteria for projects in the pipeline
Round 1 Criteria (21 projects 10)
How good an idea is this?
o How doable?
o How much impact could it have?
o How expensive per unit of impact?
Are there any show-stopping risks that you cant see a way around?
Round 2 Criteria (10 projects 5)
Yes/No questions:
o Can you offer a plausible delivery model?
o Can you identify someone who is likely to fund it?
o Are there any show-stopping risks that you cant see a way around?
How much value does the project offer?
o Doable?
o Impact? Does this project have the potential to significantly reduce youth unemployment?
o Expense per unit of impact?
Round 3 Criteria (5 projects prize)
How much value might this project offer?
o Value Delivery Efficiency Expense per unit of outcome.
o Capability delivery to target population (empowerment and self esteem, social skills, work skills, technical skills, entrepreneurialism)
o Capability delivery to providing organisations (skills, technology, metaphors and ideas, social capital (networks and relationships))
Strategic alignment
o Target population,
o Level of disadvantage
Can the value be delivered?
o Is the business model feasible?
o Does it have an attractive investment and information profile? (staged investment, clear indicators of success, scalability)?
o Is it attractive to likely investors?
What are the key risks, and can they be countered?
o Technical risks (fail to deliver as designed, can only be delivered in specific locations (e.g. cities) or circumstances (charismatic mentors), costs
susceptible to blowing out, has adverse unintended impacts (e.g. welfare dependency))
o Commercial risk (fail to create promised value even if delivered, fail to attract participants)
o Market risk (outcompeted by other organisations for staff, participants, funds)
o Safety risks (physical and emotional safety of staff and participants)
Pre-existing projects:
Project evaluation:
Same categories as for round 3 above. Obviously, the answers to all the yes/no questions will be yes. We need some sort of description in terms of each of
these categories.
Ability to generate performance data for governance of the project
Annual forecasts of:
o Expenditure
o Outcomes: Number of people processed
o Impact: Number of people sustaining themselves economically (i.e. number of people with adequate paid employment and self-employment to feel they are full
social participants). (Low, median, and high estimates).
o Note: I will email you on how to enter the forecast data.
Evaluation Criteria for projects in the pipeline
August 8th, 2017 admin