After a period of close reading, critical thinking and engaging discussion, students will prepare a final statement on one of the works discussed. This response will answer one of the questions asked, be roughly 250 words long, and include an integrated, direct quote from the text to support the opinion. Quotations must be in quotation marks and all quotations must be cited. It is not necessary to include a Reference page entry for the story you are writing about – just an in-text citation. Here is a correct citation for a quotation:
“There was something coming to her, and she was waiting for it.” (Chopin, 1894, 15).
Failure to include at least one integrated quote from the work will result in an automatic grade of 50%. The quote does not count toward the total required word count.
Responses will be written or pasted into the text box below – You mayattach a file instead if you prefer. Responses should be written in complete sentences in proper standard written English. Check responses for grammatical and spelling errors, maintain a professional and respectful tone, and answer the question thoroughly.
Look over the Rubric to see how the Responsewill be graded.
Unit 6 Response:
How does this story reflect the experience of African Americans in the 1950s.
Be sure to support your observations with appropriate cited quotes from the story. Before you write your response, it would be a good idea to do a little quick research on that decade in American history and the issues African Americans faced.