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intercultural communication

intercultural communication

For this assignment, you will analyze intercultural communication within a film.

Specifically you will:

1)    Choose a film that portrays culture.  You may consult the list provided on BB or you may choose another film.  If you choose a film that is not on the list you should run it by me first.  You will want to conduct some initial research to find out about the synopsis of the film.  Also, make sure that you choose a film you are comfortable watching (ratings, topic, etc).  You are responsible for researching the topic/content of the film before viewing.  Another factor in film choice may be accessibility.  Check NKU’s library as well as your local county library to see if your film is available. Our library has a large media collection!

2)    Submit your choice on BB. Film choice is “first come, first serve.”  After choosing your film, go to the Journals section on blackboard.  Choose the “Intercultural Film Choice” journal and click “Create Journal Entry”.  Under title, type the film you have chosen.  Then hit submit.  Review your classmates journal entries to make sure no one else has already chosen the film you would like to review.

3)    Write a paper (see technical requirements below) that examines how the culture is portrayed in the film.  You should connect to/address a minimum of three elements from the text in your paper.  Additionally, you should consult two academic sources regarding your topic/culture to add to the research you present. A guide for finding academic sources can be found on BB.

You should be providing thoughtful and critical analysis of intercultural communication in your paper.  You should be examining concepts from the text/articles and connecting them to example from the film.  Additionally, it should be well-organized, clearly written, and free from spelling and grammatical errors.

4)    Technical Requirements
?    Approx 3 pages in length
?    Times New Roman, 12 pt font; 1” margins all around; double-spaced content
?    Structure of the paper:  briefly introduce the film/story, introduce the cultural elements you will examine, spend the bulk of the paper on that analysis.
?    Paper is worth 100 points (rubric on BB)

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Intercultural Communication

Intercultural Communication

Order Description

Required text:


Read chapters 9 and 13

Chapter 9-

Answer questions 1, 4 and 5 p. 223


In what ways does the U.S. legal system reflect the European American view of argumentation and persuasion? Does your culture value a particular style of persuasion? Do your own preferred ways of persuading others reflect your culture’s style of persuasion?

Chapter 13 –

Read the following three reports:

1. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, “We the People: Hispanics in the United States,” Census 2000 Special Reports


2. Source: Pew Hispanic Center, “Shades of Belonging,” Sonya Tafoya, a Pew Research Center Project, Copyright 2004


3. Source: Pew Hispanic Center, “Hispanics, A People in Motion,” Copyright 2005, Pew Research Center.


Write a 600 to 1,000 word reaction paper, with particular attention to discussion of any new perspective that you gained, based on information in the reports. [Note: Remember to use in-text citations, including page number(s) of any reference(s).]

Chapter 13: Exercise 1 & 2

Exercise 1:

NOTE: *I live in rural Indiana*

Mexican-Americans constitute only one Spanish-speaking community within the U.S. The picture becomes more complex when one adds Central and Latin America. Check the most recent census for your area. What population of Spanish-speaking or other ethnic groups live in your city or region? Include census information for your state and your region or community in your response. What, if any, support networks for non-English speaking groups exist in your community/region? (For example, are there any local foreign language newspapers or news agencies, social clubs, festivals, specialized business enterprises that cater to a particular ethnic group, or ESL [English as a Second Language] programs? If an ESL program exists in your community, you may find it interesting — but are not required — to contact at least one program to learn about their criteria for working with adult learners, hours of availability and whether or not transportation resources exist. Note: In many areas, the community resource department of the local public library — or its web site — is likely to be a helpful resource about ESL programs in the area.)

Exercise 2:

For many non-English speaking newcomers, there is a great desire to learn English, but many communities provide limited or no opportunities. Hispanics/Latinos oftentimes must overcome obstacles including lack of personal transportation, non-existent programs or programs at a distance, varying schedules of work hours, lack of child care and cost can be a factor if the ESL program is not operated by a sponsor that uses volunteers. Additionally, a difficulty faced by sponsors of support programs is how to get information about their services to the Hispanic/Latino population that the program seeks to serve. What thoughts or ideas do you have about possible solutions to these challenges?

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Intercultural Communication

Intercultural Communication

Order Description

Required text:


Read chapters 9 and 13

Chapter 9-

Answer questions 1, 4 and 5 p. 223


In what ways does the U.S. legal system reflect the European American view of argumentation and persuasion? Does your culture value a particular style of persuasion? Do your own preferred ways of persuading others reflect your culture’s style of persuasion?

Chapter 13 –

Read the following three reports:

1. Source: U.S. Census Bureau, “We the People: Hispanics in the United States,” Census 2000 Special Reports


2. Source: Pew Hispanic Center, “Shades of Belonging,” Sonya Tafoya, a Pew Research Center Project, Copyright 2004


3. Source: Pew Hispanic Center, “Hispanics, A People in Motion,” Copyright 2005, Pew Research Center.


Write a 600 to 1,000 word reaction paper, with particular attention to discussion of any new perspective that you gained, based on information in the reports. [Note: Remember to use in-text citations, including page number(s) of any reference(s).]

Chapter 13: Exercise 1 & 2

Exercise 1:

NOTE: *I live in rural Indiana*

Mexican-Americans constitute only one Spanish-speaking community within the U.S. The picture becomes more complex when one adds Central and Latin America. Check the most recent census for your area. What population of Spanish-speaking or other ethnic groups live in your city or region? Include census information for your state and your region or community in your response. What, if any, support networks for non-English speaking groups exist in your community/region? (For example, are there any local foreign language newspapers or news agencies, social clubs, festivals, specialized business enterprises that cater to a particular ethnic group, or ESL [English as a Second Language] programs? If an ESL program exists in your community, you may find it interesting — but are not required — to contact at least one program to learn about their criteria for working with adult learners, hours of availability and whether or not transportation resources exist. Note: In many areas, the community resource department of the local public library — or its web site — is likely to be a helpful resource about ESL programs in the area.)

Exercise 2:

For many non-English speaking newcomers, there is a great desire to learn English, but many communities provide limited or no opportunities. Hispanics/Latinos oftentimes must overcome obstacles including lack of personal transportation, non-existent programs or programs at a distance, varying schedules of work hours, lack of child care and cost can be a factor if the ESL program is not operated by a sponsor that uses volunteers. Additionally, a difficulty faced by sponsors of support programs is how to get information about their services to the Hispanic/Latino population that the program seeks to serve. What thoughts or ideas do you have about possible solutions to these challenges?

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