Paper instructions:
You are required to hand in two papers for this course which will count for 10% of your grade. The paper are to be 1000 words in length, double space, 12 pt. Arial font with 0.5 margins.
The paper must be divided into four sections..
I. Introduction dealing with your prior exposure to information about brain structure and function (memory, sleep, drug addiction). Also indicate your level of understanding of brain diseases. Books you have read, formal courses taken, lectures and conversations about the brain.
II. Discuss specific aspects of the lectures and laboratories you enjoyed and which you found not very relevant. Give reasons for your opinions.
III. Mention and discuss specific topics you would like to be considered in the remaining part of the lecture course and why.
Finally, provide some specific feedback. Do you have any suggestions for how the lectures can be improved? In the laboratory sections, are there specific things you would have liked to have done?