Assignment Requirements:
For this assignment, you are to select one of the brands nominated in your first assignment. Assignment 2 is designed to enable you to apply the theoretical knowledge about the behaviour of
buyers/consumers to a specific area of marketing.
This assignment will require you to apply, where appropriate, detailed information about market segmentation, involvement, attitudes, group influences, social class, opinion leadership, and
decision making. You will need to draw upon the knowledge about concepts, definitions, and theories of buyer behaviour that you have acquired from reading Schiffman et al. (2011) and the
additional knowledge gained in the journal article. By the end of this assignment you should be able to develop a detailed, complex, and theoretically substantial profile of the target market
linked to your offering
“In the previous assignment I use BMW (SUV) as the preferred brand”
Below here is what required to do.
Buyer Behaviour
– Attitudes
• Formation of attitude
? Tri component model (conation, cognition, affection)
? Attitudes towards object (positive)
? Attitudes towards behaviour (connotative)
• Attitudes change strategies
? Basic motivation factors
? Adding attitudes
? ELM (central or peripheral)
– Message
• Positive / negative farming
• Comparative
– Family
• Roles of the family
• Influences of family members