For this week’s Discussion, you consider the relationship between interpersonal communication fundamentals and goals. In addition, you consider how you utilize interpersonal communication in personal and business contexts.
To prepare:
- Review this week’s Learning Resources. –
Learning Resources
- McLean, S. (2016). Business relationships across cultures. Boston: Flat World Knowledge Publishers.
o Chapter 6, “Nonverbal Communication Across Cultures ”
This chapter defines the many ways that individuals communicate nonverbally. It reveals some misconceptions often held about nonverbal communication, along with some of the functions of nonverbal behavior. In addition, this chapter examines different nonverbal abilities and how a good knowledge of nonverbal communication can help in understanding deception and in enhancing communication performance.
- Duck, S., & McMahon, D. T. (2008). The basics of communication: A relational perspective (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing USA.
The Basics of Communication: A Relational Perspective by Steve Duck and David T. McMahon. Copyright 2009 by Sage Publications. Reprinted with permission of Sage Publications via the Copyright Clearance Center.
o Chapter 5, “Identities and Perceptions” (pp. 101–131)
Chapter 5 asks the deceptively complex question, “Who are you?” It discusses self-concept and how identity is expressed and defined by interactions with others.
- Mind Tools. (n.d.). The Johari Window: Using self-discovery and communication to build trust.Retrieved from
- Newstrom, J. W., & Rubenfeld, S. A. (1983). The Johari Window: A reconceptualization. Developments in Business Simulations and Experiential Exercises, 10, 117–120. Retrieved from
This article details the Johari Window, a two-by-two matrix used to illustrate the process of human interaction.
- Evaluate your daily interactions with people both at and outside of work.
- Consider an example of how you have used interpersonal communication to pursue a personal or business goal.
- Consider how your background, experiences, and point of view influenced how you communicated in your example
With these thoughts in mind:
Post at least 250 words using the Johari Window to analyze your perception of how you communicate with others. Provide examples from at least two different business environments in which you have worked. For each example, include an explanation of how you express your self-concept, self-awareness, and self-esteem.