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Overcrowding in the United States Prisons

Read/review the following resources for this activity:
•File (.pdf): APA Citation Style (in Course Documents)
•File (.pdf): Sample APA Paper (in Course Documents)
•Minimum of 3 library resources

Restricting Organ Donations for Inmates

A state senator in California introduced legislation to give Californians the option to restrict the donation of their human organs from going to the state’s prison inmates. Senate Bill 38 stirred controversy indeed.

Senator Jeff Denham was apparently outraged when a California prison inmate received a taxpayer-funded heart transplant ahead of other waiting patients. The total cost of the heart transplant and related care to the state of California was about $2 million.

Please read the Los Angeles Times website article titled, “Donating Organs to Inmates Targeted” that discusses the new legislation and many of its ramifications.  Also read the article, “Organ Transplants for Incarcerated Inmates Not Up for Debate.”

One of the major issues facing the correctional system here in the United States is the issue of overcrowding. Many of our prisons are filled to capacity and beyond. Cells that were created for one or two inmates now house four. This has drawn the attention of many who are trying to make changes to correct the problem. Some blame the problem on the government’s war on drugs started by the Nixon Administration. Some blame it on policies like the 3 strikes laws where people may commit a minor offense but because of their past they are treated more harshly.  Some blame this on the sentencing guidelines passed down to try and offer a standard for sentences based on the offense.

Activity Instructions
Research the issue of overcrowding in our prison system. Discuss what you believe is the main cause of the problem and then offer your solution as to how this can be corrected. Keep in mind that any suggestions you offer need to be viable and keep the community safe as well as the well being of the inmate.

Writing Requirements (APA format)
•3 pages (approx. 300 words per page), not including title page or references page
•1-inch margins
•Double spaced
•12-point Times New Roman font
•Title page with topic and name of student
•References page (minimum of 3 resources)

Grading and Assessment
The following general guidelines are an approximation of the grading structure:
30% of assignment grade will come from formatting, writing style, and research/referencing.
70% of assignment grade will come from content, critical thinking, and general treatment of the topic.

Course Learning Outcome(s): 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9
1.  From a contemporary perspective, describe the major criminal justice agencies, their agents, and required functions with emphasis on the latest recommended professional practices.
2. Identify and discuss contemporary problems and issues that confront administrators and managers in law enforcement, court, corrections, security, and juvenile justice agencies.
6. Apply problem-solving skills to contemporary issues, ethical dilemmas, and critical questions in criminal justice.
7.  Locate and critique current reports, research monographs, and discussions in print and electronic literature and relate them to contemporary criminal justice practice.
9.  Regularly follow and report on crime and justice agency news found in print and World Wide Web media resources.


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