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Nursing Ethics Paper/Discussion

Need an APA paper (content only) discussing two questions below:
No plagiarism/ no abstract/ no title page. Due by 4/9/17 at 1200
Must use references/links provided and follow rubric below.

1 What provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics and/or Interpretive Statements offer any guidance to nurses in the following recent situation contained in these links below?
2 Apply Ethical Theory, including Kantian theory, and Ethical Decision Making to arrive at the best course of action in the following scenario contained in this Youtube link and the following links below, which is based on a recently reported occurrence:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iL_ONS-O9A4 (Links to an external site.)
http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/10/27/us-health-ebola-usa-newyork-idUSKBN0IG12920141027 (Links to an external site.)
Read the ANA Statement on Quarantine of Nurses: ANA Statement on Quarantine.docx

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