Present a proposal including grounded research questions and an annotated bibliography of sources that will inform your Research Paper. Required sources: at least 4 sources (1 source must be peer-reviewed; all others must have credentialed authors. All sources must be written in English.) -IF YOU CANNOT FIND A GOOD PEER-REVIEWED PAPER UP TO STANDARDS PLEASE LET ME KNOW I WILL GIVE YOU A USERNAME AND A PASSWORD FOR A GOOD DATABASE TO FIND PEER REVIEWED PAPERS. Page minimum: 5 full pages Formatting instructions: Begin with a paragraph that poses one or two questions about your topic. See The Little Seagull Handbook R-1 (page 80) for tips on narrowing your focus. Following these guidelines, your questions should be narrow, challenging and grounded. Provide answers to the “So what?” and “Who cares?” questions that a peer might ask about your topic. Why does your topic matter and who should be concerned about it? Conduct your research. Compose an annotated bibliography: For each source, provide the bibliographical entry with all source information (including URLs or permalinks for sources accessed via Power Search). Immediately following the bibliographical entry, introduce the author(s) and summarize the source in one paragraph (3-4 sentences). Immediately following the source summary, compose another paragraph (3-4 sentences) explaining the source’s contribution to the essay’s synthesis. Does it provide context, explain key concepts, support your claims, lend authority to another source, or counter another author’s arguments? See The Little Seagull Handbook R-3 (page 95) for tips on employing sources with various roles. Immediately following the synthesis paragraph, include one or two direct quotations that exemplify the source’s role. Choose quotations from the source that clearly prove your answer to Step 3.3. Your final proposal should consist of your Questions Paragraph followed by the Annotated Bibliography of four sources. *Note that there are many samples of annotated bibliographies out there, but you should follow the steps above to ensure a good score on the rubric. Format according to proper MLA guidelines for style and documentation.
“Why are Jackson Pollock’s Paintings Sold for Such High Prices?”
April 6th, 2017