Compose a 1000-1200 word essay that analyzes James Baldwin’s book The Fire Next Time from a historical perspective. You should consider the following questions: 1. What are some of the book’s major themes? 2. How do Baldwin’s ideas about race relations compare with those of earlier black thinkers and activists like W.E.B. DuBois and Booker T. Washington? 3. What is the “fire next time” that Baldwin warns of? Your essay should then conclude by stating what you believe to be the ultimate historical significance of Baldwin’s book.
This essay should be composed in a Microsoft Word .doc format, double-spaced and written in 12 pt. font.
Note that the only sources that you are allowed to use for this essay are your textbook, Give Me Liberty, and The Fire Next Time itself.
Direct quotes and references from both books should be cited using parenthetical citations. For example: (Baldwin, pg. ##) or (Foner, pg. ##).
It needs to have a easily identifiable, plausible, novel sophisticated, insightful, and crystal clear thesis. Sources incorporated to buttress every point. Examples must support thesis. Excellent integration of quoted material into sentences. All the ideas must flow logically; the argument is identifiable, reasonable, and sound. Language is clearly organized. Correct word usage, sentence structure, and grammar; correct citation of sources and evidence.
The Fire Next Time
March 31st, 2017