What should my portfolio include?
Your portfolio pieces must be collected from assigned learning activities you completed during the course (and have not already been submitted for assessment) or you may create something new. For example, you may choose to read/view resources outside the course content, write a review or commentary of a literacy issue, or create a slideshow, podcast, or arts-based response to a literacy-related idea. At least one portfolio entry should be in an arts-based, Web 2.0, creative writing or other literacy mode that reflects connections to course themes. Other examples can include:
Digital photo collage of your literacy log
An event in the history of literacy.
A review of a film with a literacy theme.
An example of a “literacy sponsor” in your life.
Reading experience conversation.
Trying a new literacy such as developing a digital literacy text.
Reflections on your “cold-turkey” digital tool day.
You may also decide to include an entry that was not assigned, but that reflects a personal interest or idea related to literacy that you wish to explore.
What is a Web 2.0 entry?
Multiple modes of expression are encouraged, including essay-formats, computer-based and “Web 2.0” technologies, art, photo-essays and so on. Arts-based entries may be videotaped, scanned or photographed. Creativity is rewarded! Do not simply hand in the activities. Also include a reflection and interpretation of the activity in light of course resources learning.
How long should my portfolio be?
Each portfolio should include the following components:
An introduction to the portfolio describing what selections have been included and why.
Three work samples that demonstrate your learning throughout the course. For example: a digital photo collage of your literacy log.
Each work sample should include a reflection/contextualization of the activity. For example, if you want to include your literacy log, do not simply submit your log, but also include an interpretation of your log, using the discussion questions provided for the activity as a guide.
Description: Describe the literacy log activity (e.g., what did you do?).
Analysis: Analyze your literacy events and practices in relation to the required course readings.
Reflection: Reflect on your literacy practices in terms of educational policy and/or practice.
Text-based entries should be no longer than 500 words each. The total maximum length for the portfolio including the introduction should be no longer than 1400 words (plus at least one arts-based/digital text).