Word limit: 2000 words (not to exceed 1850 words, excluding the abstract, figures or tables of results, the reference list and appendix).
The abstract has a separate word limit of 150 words. Word limits include subheadings and in text citations. There is no 10% leeway on
the abstract or main report.
Title (1 mark)
– you should come up with your own title
– should address the key words of the topic
– should be brief
– marks deducted for lack of clarity
Abstract (2 marks)
– notes the question, key arguments and conclusion succinctly
– marker will stop reading at 120 words
Introduction (3 marks)
– defines the importance of the topic
– explains how the question will be answered by systematically signposting key points that will be addressed
Body (10 marks)
– includes detailed description and critique of scientific literature thus providing comprehensive arguments
– the content should be relevant to the topic
– demonstrates an ability to logically structure arguments
– an appropriate number of arguments for the topic so as to investigate the topic in depth
– appropriate and adequate use of supporting literature
– clearly demonstrate that extensive reading was carried out and understood
– clarity of expression
– provision of definitions for key terms and appropriate use of scientific language/tone
Conclusion (3 marks)
– summarises the main points from the body of the review
– should not raise new arguments
– provides a conclusion that logically and unavoidably follows from the evidence presented in the body of the review
– evidence of synthesis and formation of new ideas
– notes the practical and/or theoretical implications of the conclusions
– provides suggestions for future research
APA formatting (1 mark)
– in text citations
– reference list
– headings
– paragraphs
– figures/tables
– double spacing
– title page
TOTAL: /20