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Concept Map and reflection

Concept Map and reflection
Task Description
Choose an individual who is living with a chronic condition who you have known. This may be an individual who you have cared for during your workplace experience or may be an individual who you know personally (this can sometimes be confronting). Do not focus the concept map on yourself. Your main or key concept should be easily identified as the individual and subconcepts should branch appropriately from main idea to a complexity of at least four (4) concept levels (subconcepts). Graphically describe the relationships between your chosen concepts in relation to an individual living with a chronic condition. Use the map to connect concepts and facts (nodes) and to demonstrate relationships between concepts like; determinants of health; the impact of living with a chronic condition; individual personal likes, dislikes, aspirations and dreams; and relationships.
Your map should contain appropriate descriptive links between nodes (short phrases or specific/descriptive words describing the relationship between concepts). Do not repeatedly reuse the same link; construct a variety of links that describe the unique relationship between specific nodes and include specific examples that clarify the meaning of a given concept. Include cross-links which demonstrate the complexity for an individual living with a chronic condition.
In your reflective commentary provide a description and reflection of the development of the concept map. Do not simply describe the map.
Consider how undertaking this assessment task has impacted on your understanding of what it is like to live with a chronic condition. Consider how the development of this assessment task has impacted on your understanding of a person-centred approach to working with people living with chronic conditions. Include a reference list and a bibliography if appropriate, relating to the concept map.
You may create your concept map using concept mapping software but you must save and submit as a jpeg or pdf.
You may hand draw your concept map, take a photograph and upload as a jpeg.
Assessment Due Date Thursday 21st April 2016 (week 8) by 23.59hrs
Return Date to Students Thursday 12th May 2016 (week 10) 23.59hrs
Assessment Length A minimum depth of 4 layers of sub-concepts + 500 word reflective commentary
Weighting 60%
Assessment Criteria This assessment will be marked with the assessment criteria on the following page:
Knowledge & understanding – 60% Relevance to practice – 15%
Structure, organisation& presentation – 25%
Referencing Style Concept map – Numbered (Vancouver)
A summary of the Vancouver system can be accessed in the online guide on the Library website at
Reflection (if required) Author – Date (Harvard)
A summary of the Harvard system can be accessed in the online guide on the Library website at:
Submission Upload your concept map as a jpeg or pdf into the assessment 2 dropbox in eLearning
Upload your Reflection as a word document into the Turnitin Assignment Dropbox

This webpage has been developed for students at the university to support using Turnitin. It includes videos and step by step instructions.
Subject Learning Outcomes Assessed a) Identify commonly occurring chronicconditions
b) Explain the nature of chronicity and outline the implications forthe provision ofcare
c) Critically analyse the factors that are affected or affectindividuals
d) Demonstrate their understanding of a person-centred approach tocare
f) Differentiate and critically analyse the elements of person-centred comprehensive and focused assessments, identifying strategies usedand importance of thisprocess
g) Critically analyse and evaluate the nursing care for individuals identifying the role of the intradisciplinary team in thecollaborative approach tocare
h) Critically analyse the principles of the habilitation, rehabilitationand palliative phases and the implications forcare
i) Synthesise and integrate a person-centred approach in their nursing care.


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